Marble Falls

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I paced back and forth as I scrolled through the articles on Rue and I. I threw the phone on the bed and ran my fingers through my hair in frustration. The door slammed open and Theo stormed in, "Pack whatever you need and follow me". "What?", I stood shocked as Theo ran around picking up my clothes and my phone and handing it to me, "Come on, we don't have time. They'll call me soon to know if I'm here". I snapped out of my confusion and realized what was going on. I nodded and quickly ran out behind me. We moved swiftly till we reached the underground parking lot. We stopped at a black tinted car, "He'll drive you straight to the airport. You can't make any stops or they might catch up to you. My jet is ready so all you have to do is...". I cut him short by embracing him in a tight hug, "Thank you". He was quiet for a while before patting my back, "Captains are supposed to look out for their teammates, aren't they?". I chuckled and opened the door and quickly got in. "And Blake?", he said as he leaned down on the window, "I don't know what's going to happen after they find out but if this gets to be our last time together, I just want to say it was an honor to be your captain". He put his hand out and I shook it with a smile, "It was more an honor for me to be a part of your team". His phone started ringing and that snapped us back to reality. He stopped up straight and hit the car, "Get going!". The driver obeyed and as he turned to a corner, I turned to the side to glance at Theo as he pulled out his phone from his pocket.

"We're here", the driver said. I quickly took out my stuff snd turned to him, "Thank you so much". I ran up to the guy standing by the jet, "To Los Angeles sir?". "Yes please", I nodded but after a second, I shook my head, "Actually you know what? I changed my mind".


I felt something fall off as I sat down. Confused, I searched the ground till I found my necklace. "How'd you fall from my neck?", I whispered as I opened the clip to put it back around my neck but I stopped halfway.

He used his fingers to clean the tears dropping from my eyes then he unhooked the necklace, his eyes never leaving mine, "I promise you today, that no matter how many times you take it off...", he said as his hands rose and circled round my neck, "I'll always come back to put it back on", he said as he hooked the necklace, still looking at me, he loosened my bun and my hair fell around my shoulders. He pushed some of my hair behind my ear and smiled, "There. Beautiful".

It doesn't seem logical but could Blake possibly sense when I've taken it off? Would he come back to put it on? Or did it fall off cause he's coming to put it back on?

I heard footsteps behind me, I put the necklace in my bag and turned as Skylar waved at me. "I just knew they'd send you to find me", I turned around to face the pond. He chuckled, "But yet you always make me drive hours to get here. What is it with this place?". He sat down beside me as I stared up at the sky, "This was one of the places Blake came to when he was going through his rage attacks and therapy. He said it helped him and in a way it helps me too. The trees, the water, the air, everything about it is therapeutic". Skylar nodded, "So you think good thoughts here?". "Well considering my last thought, I said as I stared at the necklace in my bag, "I would say crazy thoughts". Skylar remained silent to I turned to look at him to find him looking at me so I laughed and nudged his arm, "Relax, I'm not committing suicide". He smiled and I faced upwards to look at the stars, "Doesn't this feel nice? Being out here in the middle of no where with the gentle breeze and perfect silence?"

Skylar smiled as I continued, "When I'm here, it's like I'm away from all the ruckus of the world, like I'm leaving everything behind. You should understand what I mean, you're a therapist". He stared at me knowingly, "Yes I do". I smiled widely and laid flat on the grass with my eyes closed.

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