Shameless Bitch

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I walked into my office, slightly elevated from last night. I haven't heard from Blake and I haven't made any move to talk to him yet. Thinking back on Jordan's statement, I wondered if I indeed overreacted. "Good morning Rue", Leslie smiled as she approached me with my cup of coffee and a bouquet of roses. "Morning", I said with one brow raised as I collected my coffee. "From Mr Maxwell", she said as she dropped the flowers on the table. I smiled as I pulled out the little card taped to it,

Forever, Always
~ From me to Pokémon

I chuckled and picked up the flowers, staring at them for a while before informing Leslie to order a vase.

"Yoohooo!", Sam's voice rang as she stormed into my office in her vibrant wine gown and colorful scarf. "Well you look dashing", I smiled as she took a seat opposite me, "And you got flowers". I glanced at the roses at the side of the table and shrugged but knowing Sam, she obviously wasn't going to let it go. "I know it's not from my idiotic brother so", she slid her glasses down to the tip of her nose and looked at me, "Who is it?". "You won't believe it but", I smiled, "They're from Jordan". "Why would your brother send you flowers", she asked curiously as she picked up the card from the flowers. Confusion swept her face for a second before she gasped, "Wait, you mean Jordan! like Jordan Jordan!". "Yes", I laughed. "No way! How did he...?", the sentence died as she kept staring at the card unbelievably. "We met at that event I told you about", I said as I ran my nails rhythmically on my desk. "Oh! That's great. So you guys were talking right and then he sent you flowers", she said as she placed the flowers back on the table. "That's the summary, I guess but he's probably on his way back to Canada now", I said causing Sam to frown, "That sucks. I didn't get to meet him". I laughed.

"So I'm guessing you didn't come for a simple chit chat considering you should be on Beyoncé's dress right now", I said lacing my fingers together and looking at her, she nodded and pulled out her phone, " true", she placed the phone on the table and pushed it to me, "I'm not one to defend Blake whenever he does something stupid, I'm sure you know that but I just thought you should see this cause....well it has your name on it as well". My brows instinctively rose as I picked up the phone and played the video.

It was a video of Blake and I'm guessing Daisy at a restaurant and from the looks of it, the video was taken by someone outside, probably paparazzi. Blake and Daisy seemed to be in a casual conversation before it became heated. Daisy moved to place her hand on his but he immediately removed his hand from the table as he continued speaking and then he slammed his fist on the table. A waiter walked up to them and before I knew it, Blake was up and out the door. The paparazzi rushed over to him and started throwing questions but he ignored all of them as he walked to his car and drove off. Seconds later, Daisy walked out of the restaurant with her head low obviously avoiding the cameras as paparazzi flooded her with questions as well. One person yelled, "Daisy Daisy! Is everything okay? Blake seemed furious when he left". Daisy smiled forcefully, "Oh it's nothing. We just didn't agree on some things. Besides, friends quarrel". She walked swiftly to her car as they kept following her, "Daisy! What was your fight about?". She chuckled, "Nothing serious. Blake just rejected my feelings, that's all". More cameras clicked all around her as she approached her car and tried unlocking it, "Daisy, what is your take on Rue and Blake's relationship?". "They're going out?!", She gasped, obviously fake, then she shrugged and smiled, "Oh well". Then she got in her car and shut the door.

I pushed the phone back to Sam and rested my head on my crossed arms. "You're not going say anything?", Sam asked as she, I guess, responded to some of her messages. "I don't know what to think", I sighed as I leaned back. "Well I think that Daisy's a shameless bitch", Sam shrugged in a nonchalant tone while placing her phone back into her bag. I stayed silent as she held my hand, "Rue, you know I'm always on your side and I honestly don't support the fact that he went to see her without telling you or that he hid the fact that she was the one who gave him the hickey but just maybe he had a good reason". I looked up at her as she finally said the words I had been expecting, "I think you should talk to him".

"I don't know! I'm not a date kinda person", I groaned as I rested my head on the table. "I mean your last date got interrupted so maybe you should try that again", Leslie said as she arranged her desk. I shook my head, "Go to the same restaurant? No way!". "Who said anything about same restaurant?", Leslie said and I looked up to see that expression on her face when you know that her thinking wheels are turning.

"Leslie! You've overdone yourself! Omg!", I squealed as I dug my heels into the sand as we approached the location of our date. Leslie mentioned how I whined when I didn't get to eat my lobster the last time so she prepared this entire beach scene and had chefs come cook for us. Like literally, they're preparing the meal right beside us. "I brought change of clothes. No one should be dressed like this in a beach", Leslie said as she gestured to my dress. "Oh my God, it's almost like you're the one taking Blake and I on a date", I laughed. Leslie turned to me, "Yeah well. It is my job to be strong in your weakness I.e you being unromantic". "Shut up!", I said as I collected the bag that contained my change of clothes. "Have fun tonight", she smiled and started backing away, "oh but not too much fun! We don't want to scar the chefs". I covered my mouth to hide my blushing as the chefs glanced at us.

After she left, I turned around to view the beach. I stood watching the waves roll in as I thought of what to say when Blake arrives.

After eating to our heart's content, we started playing random games. I laughed as Blake started pulling me deeper inside the water water, "No! Please stop! Please!" "Why are you afraid?", He laughed as he dragged me on deeper. "I'm not! It's just really cold", I cried but to no avail. "Alright", Blake said as he went behind me and put his arms around me tightly, resting his head on my shoulder. I giggled as the waves hit our bodies, "why are we here, Blake?". He smiled and whispered, "I want to show you something". "What do you want to show me?", I smiled as I asked. "Right here, right now, if I have to, I'd swim all the way across this sea even if it was to the edge of the world for you", he said calmly and as he said it, a pang of guilt shot through my chest.

"Blake, there's something I have to tell you", I started to say but then there was a loud noise and everyone started screaming. "Look", Blake said as he pointed to the sky. I looked to see the fireworks shooting to the sky and spreading in amazing colors. I smiled as tears dropped from my eyes. He spun me around, "Hey hey, I didn't take you as a teary sappy romantic". I laughed as I cleaned my tears but more kept pouring out. Blake smiled because he thought it was because of the fireworks and the moment but I knew what it was.

I sniffed and wiped the tears falling from my face before turning around and greeting the chefs before looking for somewhere to change.


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