Hospital Food

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I don't think I can do this much longer. I had used every tactic I could think of.

Mr Lodge came forward and started clapping his hand. I rose my brows in confusion, wondering why he was clapping. He smiled, "That's enough of your act, Miss Evans. Now, will you sign the papers. We've come a long way from getting you sued and nothing is going to ruin this for us". I gulped at the threat in his voice.

My time was up

I slowly picked up the pen, my hands hovered over the paper.

"Rue, no!", Leslie yelled and Mark snapped, "Shut up!".

Then another voice came from the entrance as an officer ran into the building, "Hands up!", he was followed by ten other officers and then Blake and Jace. My heart skipped a beat at the sight of Blake running to me.

"Blake!", I smiled as he approached me and untied my body while Jace handled Leslie. "Hey riddle lady", he smiled as he helped me up. "I knew you'd get it", I said proudly but he shrugged shyly, "Actually I got help from the guys".

"Hey! Hey!", I heard someone screaming and that was when I remembered where exactly we were. I turned to see an officer chasing after Mark who was pointing his gun at Leslie. "No!", I screamed as my legs took control of itself and sped towards her. I heard the gunshot at the same time I tried pushing Leslie.

A surge of pain went through my arms. "Rue!", Both Blake, Leslie and Jace screamed as they ran to me. I closed my eyes in pain as my hand caressed my other arm. "Rue, Rue, it's okay. Just breathe, we'll get you to a hospital soon", Jace said as his hand held me from laying down. "She's losing blood. We can't wait for long", Leslie cried. Then Blake lifted me up and carried me out of the warehouse. The last thing I caught was Mark and Mr Lodge being put in handcuffs before my eyes closed.

I opened my eyes slowly to see Blake glaring at me. "Woah! Terrible sight to wake up to", I chuckled. He didn't back down but instead kept glaring at me. "Have you been like that for hours?", I asked amusingly as I looked around it hospital room. I was in hospital clothes and there was a bandage around my wounded arm and a drip on my other. "Why'd you do that?", he said in a no my amused tone

"Why'd I do what? Save my PA? Cause I love her", I replied with amusement and teasing laced in my voice. "Jace was there! He could've saved her. There were 10 officers present, Rue", he said, obviously not in the mood. I couldn't blame him, he must've been worried sick when I was unconscious. "The officers weren't doing anything! Plus you'd prefer if Jace got shot rather than me?", I smiled widely.  He pretended to think before answering, "Well...."

"Glad to know how much you love me", Jace announced as he walked in with a snickering Jess. Behind them were Mira and Jeff. "How're you feeling, Rue?", Jess asked as she came to sit at my other side. "A bit lightheaded but good", I said as I leaned my head on the headrest. "Your arm?", Jeff asked, standing by the side alongside Jace. I'm glad they've made up, although I really wish to know what triggered it. I turned and rose my brows at Jess while answering Jeff's question, "It'd good, as far as I know". Jess looked away immediately and refused to face me even while I nudged her so I whispered, "This isn't over, lady!". "I could say the same for you". I turned to see Blake still glaring at me. I smiled sheepishly at him.

"The case is closed so now I'm suing Mr Malloy for false accusations and for hindering the construction of the site", Mira said giddily. I'm sure she was happy, she technically won the case which reminds me, "Where's Leslie?". "She's undergoing some tests but she's in a better state than you if that counts", Jace smirked which resulted in a shove from Jess, my knight in shining armor. "That being said", Blake announced as he stood up, "The doctor says we don't get more than 20 minutes so everybody out!", he started guiding everyone to the door but Mira wasn't budging, "What are you, the nurse?". "I'm not female", Blake pointed out to which I clapped back, "No you're sexist!". He flipped me the finger before dragging a laughing Mira out and shutting the door.

The door burst open and random nurses were walking in with flowers, cards and gifts. "Woah woah woah", I said as I sat up. They paid no heed to me as they kept swarming in. "Hello?", I waved my hands at them, "The patient is right here", but they just smiled and walked out. "You might want to look outside", was Tyler's first statement as he and Sam walked in. Still in a state of shock, I wobbled out of the bed, Tyler helped drag my drip stand while I walked towards the window.

I looked out to see a mob of people standing outside waving banners that read, "Get Well Soon, Rue and Leslie", "We Love You Both!", one that made me laugh in particular was the one that said, "Mark's a dick". "How did they know?", I turned to the two people standing behind me. "Are you kidding? Every news outlet covered the story of a boss who saved her PA", Sam laughed as she went to go sit on my hospital bed. "So all the flowers are from them?", I gestured to the flowers and then to those outside. "Yup", Tyler chuckled.

"Where's the superwoman?", Shawna yelled as she walked into the room. "You do realize that this is a hospital right?", I said but she paid no heed to my words as she engulfed me in a hug, "I'm happy you're alive!". Everyone laughed as Shawna went ahead to create space for her own flower on the side table. "Are you allowed to be walking around?", Skylar asked with concern as he helped me back to the bed. "Are you allowed to be walking around", Sam repeated his words in a mocking tone.

I breathed a sigh of relief as I rested on the pillow and closed my eyes. Everyone had gone and it was almost evening. I inhaled and exhaled for two minutes before a knock on the door interrupted me. "Yes?", I called out to whoever it was behind the door. "It's food....and Leslie", came a voice behind the door. "Come in!", I sat up and Leslie pushing a tray of food into the room. "You had to use a trolley to push just a plate of food", I laughed at her as she smiled sheepishly, "The doctor said I couldn't stress my arms". "Playing the doctor card, I see", I smirked as I picked up my plate from the tray while Leslie took a sit beside me.

"Thank you, Rue", Leslie said to me in a very serious tone that I wasn't used to, considering I was always the serious one between us. I shrugged, "You were there in the first place because of me so". "Still", she smiled as she hugged me. I smiled before I started consuming my meal. "By the way, I'm famous now!", she squealed, "Because of you". I laughed loudly before cringing at the taste of the chicken.

"What's wrong?", Leslie questioned. "It's so bland", I whined, "I want KFC!", I groaned which only made Leslie laugh in response.

"Rue!" "Rue!", Celine and Penny yelled as they burst into the room immediately coming to hug me. "Be careful!", Jace yelled as he walked in with Flynn and my mum.

"Hey guys", I smiled tiredly at them, largely because I had spent the whole night binge watching The Order using the hospital's WiFi of course. "How's your arm?", Celine asked at the same time Penny yelled, "How does it feel to be shot?". "Penn!", Jace snapped in a scolding tone. She looked down sadly and apologized. I laughed and hugged them both.

After Jace took the two girls out, my mum sat on the bed beside me, "How're you feeling?". "Great! I feel almost brand new", I said in a cheery tone so she wouldn't have to worry. Flynn definitely didn't buy it but didn't say a word as they both hugged me. "By the way, where's Jordan?", I said as I glanced between both of them. "Uhhh", my mum scratched her head as she glanced at the door, "He said he was going to check on your PA". "Leslie?", I asked again, needing confirmation which I got from my mum's nod. "Why would he go to see Leslie? Even before me!", I said in utter disbelief. Both of them shrugged while I started to rub my chin like I was thinking.

"Hey sis", Jordan strolled in. "How's Leslie?", I retorted and he didn't both to deny it, rather he glared at my mum before turning to me, "Good. She's getting discharged right now". I folded my arms and frowned, "And you're going to drop her at her place?". "If she agrees", he grinned. "You better be careful, Evans", I frowned deeper as he engulfed me in a hug. "I always am. Now that I know you're well, I take my leave", he smiled blowing us kisses before walking out. I pretended to puke when Flynn laughed, "He's a man, Rue". "I know that! But she's my PA!", I said in a disgusted tone.

After they left, I resumed the season two of The Order till it was evening and the gross hospital food was brought in, this time by my nurse so I had to pretend like I enjoyed the food.


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