Author's Note

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Heyyy I'm Aiiibeeekayyyy

This is the third book in my "Trusting You" series. If you haven't read the first two, they are titled "Trusting You" and "Picking You".

Although, I included a lot of flashback scenes and background details where necessary so it is possible to read this without the first two.

I'm sure everyone had their squads in high school and the people they roll with and then college comes and you guys stop talking and eventually you move on. You grow out of the friendship and you just miss the good old days. This book is mainly about the characters after they graduated from high school and how they all moved on and 11 years later, fate is bringing them together again.

It's going to be an exciting ride. I hope you enjoy the story!

Loving You Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz