Lowkey Psychologist

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"We sent you to Los Angeles on a business trip, Mr Andrews, not on a vacation for you to go on a cruise with your ex and punch every guy who ogles her", my coach yelled through the phone making me move it inches away from my ear. "Okay first of all, that wasn't what happened and secondly, I'm focusing on business! You should see the villa now. It's incredible!", I smiled. He sighed and remained silent and I took that opportunity. "Do I still have to see the psychologist?", I asked hopefully. "Yes, Mr Andrews. It's order from the management. In fact, they assigned you to a psychologist..."

"Who is very credential and private and that most people don't even know he practices psychology. He works with only celebrities and top people under very confidential grounds, he said", I sighed as I sipped my mango juice. "He doesn't sound that bad", Rue smiled and it made me want to kiss her through the phone but instead I mimicked her words with extra sass, "He doesn't sound that bad". She laughed, "Stop! Seriously, just go with an open mind. Don't be rude and don't punch him". "Ha ha very funny", I replied dryly.

I walked into the building and started looking around very skeptically. Around me, were posters about physical abuse, emotional abuse, and things pertaining to that. This guy was really low key, I mean there was nothing here that gave him away as being a psychologist. If anything, it looked like he was the savior of young children.

"Welcome to Sky's foundation. How may I help you?", the man at the desk asked as he smiled too widely.

Hmm, a foundation. I was close.

"Uh I'm actually here to see your boss", I said as I rested my arm on the table. The smile on his face didn't falter as he replied, "Would you like to report an abuse case? Or perhaps, you're here to give your review?". I shook my head, "No man, I said I'm here to see your boss. I have an appointment with him". "Are you going through abuse?", the guy continued smiling as he asked. I ran my hand through my hair, "Oh for fuck's sake, I said..."

"Andrews?", a very familiar voice said from behind. I turned around and there was Skylar Jones, in all form walking towards me. His blond hair was pretty much the same but he was taller and muscular. "Jones", I smiled as we shook hands. "How have you been?", he smiled very maturely. He had become so rigid and manly, it almost made me quiver. "Great. Do you work here? I have an appointment with the owner of this place and...", I tried explaining but he cut my short, "You mean, you have an appointment with me. Let's head upstairs. I was expecting you". "What?", I asked confusedly as he walked right past me, greeted the desk guy and walked over to the elevator. I turned around still confused before glancing at the desk guy to see him smiling at him and I hurriedly followed Skylar.

I thought as we entered the elevator. Sky's foundation, ohhh Skylar! Sky's Foundation! I'm so smart.

"Do you pay him to smile excessively?", I asked as we walked into his office. Everything was simple yet the aesthetics was complex. It was nice, I would give that to him. He turned to me, "Who? James? No, but he does a really good job at it". "Trust me, he does", I muttered.

He sat down and intertwined his two hands together as he looked at me, "So I'm supposed to do some kind of assessment on you. Apparently, you were in a fight, yeah?". I sighed, "Yeah. I told those guys it wasn't necessary but they wouldn't listen. Fucking management". He was just about to speak when his phone started ringing, "Excuse me". I nodded, then he rose the phone to his ear, "Hey babe".

My brows perked up with interest as whoever was on the other line kept talking while he nodded. "Yeah, sure. I'll pick it up on the way back. I'm actually having a meeting with someone, guess who", Skylar smiled. I listened as the other person spoke. Skylar laughed and said, "No, not Justin Bieber. It's actually Blake". He listened again and then spoke, "Yes! Andrews. Who else?". I waved my hands up trying to ask him who it was when he looked away smiling, "Yeah sure. I'll call you later. Yeah, yeah...Fine, I'll ask him!...Okay bye". Then he hung up and smiled at me.

"Who's that?", I asked pointing at the phone. "Shawna", he said picking up the file and placing it in front of us. "No way!", I gasped, "You guys are still together?". "Yeah", he smiled.

I didn't really see Shawna a lot because she and Skylar started going out about the time they graduated and I was already in college. Skylar was the really shy kid who was then really close friends with Rue. They were like best friends. I even got jealous sometimes. I'm very very sure that this guy had a crush on Rue but she'll never believe it and just shrugs it off as "he needed a friend".

Anyways, he finally met Shawna in their last year of high school and they didn't start going out till around the time they graduated and Skylar pretty much vanished.

"I have to do a report on our appointment to your coach so let's get this started", Skylar smiled and I groaned. "Why'd you go fight the guy?", he asked. Should I tell him? Fuck it, if I was to come clean to anyone, who else better than Rue's trusted friend...or well, ex-friend.

"This guy, Mark Robbinson started spreading rumors about Rue's PTSD so I went to go confront him", I said. Skylar shot up from his resting position and stared at me,
"Rue has PTSD? How...how is she doing?". Awwwnn, he still cares.

I smiled, "Yeah, she took the news surprisingly well. I think she was more concerned with me getting arrested than the rumors". He breathed out a sigh of relief, "Thank God. Why did the guy do that?". I shrugged, "I don't know, for many reasons. Rue says they're business associates but it's obvious he has some kinda feelings for her. So it might be a business thing or he doesn't like me...but if he doesn't like me, then why leak Rue's secret?". "Hmmm", Sky said before continuing, "Maybe he wants to use her to hit you or he maybe doesn't like Rue and is trying to just win her company over by acting like he likes her. Then she would let her guard down and let him in but you came and messed that up for him". I stared at his table and nodded, "That could be true. No wonder you're a psychologist, I didn't think of that".

"It's kinda my job", he shrugged. "Why do you own a foundation and then act like a psychologist?", I asked. He relaxed and rolled his chair around, "I started this foundation firstly and one day, I came across this guy and he begged that he needed my help so I helped him then he started recommending me to other celebrities and I couldn't say no and that was how I started my low key psychologist firm". I nodded, half of my mind listening to what he said and the other half admiring the view from his office.

"So Shawna says I should ask Dinner sometime?", he asked me.

I smiled, I can already imagine the look on Rue's face when she sees him.

"How about tomorrow?", I said, turning to look at him and he smiled in agreement.


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