Just Friends

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"Well?", my dad said as he pointed at the new wooden table he got for the balcony. "It's cute", I smiled. I haven't seen my dad in months cause of the whole sports villa issue and everything was just hectic but now that Rue is on her trip, I could spare a few hours to quickly slip in to see how he's doing. "So how's work? Your boss treating you good?", he asked as he made me tea in his "old fashion way", like he likes to say it. I sighed and plopped myself on the couch, "She's treating me too good, infact. Can you imagine that she left me in charge of the computer while she's gone. She has too much faith in me!". He laughed and placed my cup on the table before sitting down opposite me, "Who did you expect her to keep in charge?". "I don't know! Daisy? Anyone but me?!", I cried out while sitting up to take off my shoes and pick up my cup of tea while my father kept an amused smile on his face.

Just as the cab stopped, my phone started buzzing. I turned it over to see the ID and smiled as I picked the phone and placed it to my ear, "Hey". "Hey", his voice rang through the phone. I paid the cab guy and started arranging my stuff while still talking to him, "How're you?". I got down from the cab guy and waved him off. "Great, now that I've seen you", he replied. I froze and I couldn't help the smile on my face as I slowly turned around to see him standing in front of my apartment building. I chuckled and hung up as I approached him with my bags in one hand and my phone in the other. Smiling, I stood and looked up at him, "Jordan". He smiled and put his hand out, "Leslie". Then he took my bags in one hand and held the other as we walked into my building.

I know, I know, you're thinking, "When did Jordan and I make it official?". We didn't... We're just really good friends. We've been hanging out since the day he drove me home from the hospital after the kidnap and I don't want to take his kindness for something else. He has been really sweet and I enjoy his company a lot so I don't want to make it awkward by bringing up the little feelings I may or may not be developing. But yeah, we're just friends.

I walked into the office with a confident smile on my face. For some reason, everyone seemed to be treating me with more respect than usual. Come on Leslie, it's cause they know the fate of their jobs lie in your hands.

Oh right, that's true!

Immediately I entered the office, Daisy peeked in, "Morning Leslie. We got a call this morning from guess who?". "Oh please don't make me guess! Who was it?", I questioned with pleading eyes. "Cufflinks Enterprises!", Daisy squealed. "No way", I gasped in excitement, "What for?". "They said they'd love to invest in our shares but they said they would love a meeting with Rue first", Daisy said. My excitement slowly turned to dread, "But Rue isn't available right now". "That's what I said", Daisy said in a now serious tone. I deliberated for a minute before sighing, "I'll have to speak to Rue, then whatever she says we'll do".

But I already knew what her words were going to be and I was right.

"Rue you can't expect me to..."

"Oh come on Leslie! You can handle it! Besides this is a sign, Cufflinks decided to call while I'm on a vacation just so you can handle it", Rue said in a cheery voice.

"But..but", I stuttered.

Then someone's voice called from a distance, "Rue where are you? We're leaving now!"

"Leslie, I gotta go, okay? Don't worry, I trust you. Cufflinks would be a good investor so don't let go of them, alright? Bye!", then she hung up, leaving me devastated and speechless.

I paced around the office for about 30 minutes working on what I would say and how I would put it till I finally gathered the courage to call the office.

"Hi, I'm Leslie Morton from Evans Estate Limited", I said in my most corporate voice.

"Oh hi, we've been expecting your call. Is Ms Evans in now?", a young lady's voice rang through the phone.

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