Wedding Rings

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"So did you watch my speech?", I asked Blake as we ate our pancakes outside just by the pool. I insisted on the idea because this morning felt unusually serene and the sun was kind of mild so we might as well get some vitamin D and Blake didn't seem to mind, plus I needed to get this morning's conversation with Bri out of my mind. "Actually, I went out last night", he said with the pancake in his mouth. I froze halfway and gazed at him through my lashes, "Really?", I tried to feign nonchalance, "With who?". He promised that he'd watch my speech and then he went out? Plus, without telling me, I felt...not happy.

He cackled, "Meaning I can't go out alone or what?", obviously trying to crack a joke but I stared at him flatly till he finally cleared his throat and sighed, "I was out with Daisy. We just had dinner and that was it". "Daisy", my brows raised, "Like Daisy Daisy like Alec's Daisy?". Blake scratched his neck uncomfortably and I don't know why, "Yeah but they broke up". My brows rose even more, "oh" and just like that, the conversation changed.

"So I met Jordan yesterday at the event", I said as I chewed on the pancake before taking a sip of my tea. "What's your brother doing at a business event?", Blake said with a confused look on his face which cause me to smile even though I was nervous to see his reaction, "Not my brother, I mean Jordan Maxwell". He choked on his tea and before he dropped the mug, I quickly collected it from his hand, "Sorry, shit you almost hurt yourself", I panicked as I cleaned the drops that spilt on his legs while he stared at me with shock, "Jordan's in LA? Why?". "For the business event", I said blankly. He became unusually quiet till the end of breakfast. He picked up our plates and started heading inside.

"Why are you quiet?", I asked as I wrapped my hands around his back to his torso while he did the dishes. He shrugged, "I don't know maybe because it's Jordan?", he said in a very low tone. "I take it that you're not happy that he's here", I said as I rested my head on his back. His muscles flexed as he washed the dishes, "No I'm not". "You know you don't have to feel threatened by him, I'm with you now, aren't I?", I said. "Yeah but you were with me then too", He said and just like that, a mental splash of cold water poured on my brain as I felt Blake stiffen.

I pulled my arms away from his body as he turned around and met my shocked face. "Rue, Rue, I didn't mean that!", he said as he rose his soapy hands midway, staring back at me apologetically but I was too stunned to speak. My mouth hung open as I backed away slowly while he rushed to rinse his hands. "You think I'd still do that now?", I asked painfully, he shook his head, "No no, Rue I just....". But I couldn't stay to listen so I backed away and ran into my room, bolting the door just before he was about to open it.

After waiting 30 minutes for Blake to leave the house, I finally got dressed for work and called Miles to get the car ready.

Work was back in full force, the villa is already completed and Blake said the coach and the head of the club are coming by next week Monday to check it out. I'm excited and very confident, Shawna did an amazing job with the interior of all the apartments where the players would be staying and the football guru I got did a great job on equipping the field, overall observation states that they're going to love it.

I was sorting out the important mails that Leslie separated from the rest when I got a call, surprisingly from Mike. "Mike, hey!", I said cheerily, "Is everything alright?". "Uhh I think Bri wants me to marry her", Mike said in a hasty and I guess, panicked voice.

Woah, I guess Bri has executed her plan already.

"Really? How so?", I asked feigning a shocked tone hoping I don't give away the fact that I'm in on the plan. "Well firstly, i came home from work to see a bunch of catalogues for wedding dresses on the counter, just beside where I put my car keys!", he said and knowing Mike, I know that he's stressed, "And then she left a page open on the centre table with the picture of a wedding ring", I stifled a laughter which I hope he didn't hear, "and then yesterday, she goes babe, Susie is getting married in Paris, where are we going to get married? I'm thinking Miami? At a beach? I'm mentally screaming, Rue!". "Mike, Mike calm down, you love her don't you?", I asked, doing exactly what Bri would've expected me to do. "Of course I do!", he said in a frustrated tone. "Sooooo", I dragged.

"I watched your speech by the way, I felt like you were talking to just me", Leslie said with an exaggerated tone which brought a smile to my face. "Should we go get lunch?", I asked Leslie who seemed very giddy today, "Yea! I didn't have breakfast today or I would've been late".

We were about to enter the restaurant when someone else was walking out, I paid no attention to the person till he called my name. Startled, Leslie and I turned around to face the person and after taking at least 5 seconds to look closely, I gasped, "Alec?! Oh my God!", I smiled as I went to hug him while Leslie went in, probably to book our seats. "How have you been?", I asked still smiling as I let go of him. "Good good, I guess. I don't need to ask how you're doing considering you were on national tv yesterday", he smirked causing me to blush and nudge his arm, "Stop! Blake mentioned this morning that you and Daisy split up years ago. I didn't know!", I said with a sad, almost upset tone but he held my shoulder and chuckled, "Oh, it's fine. I've moved on from that now, I mean I have a wife and kids". "Wow, that's great", I smiled widely, "Yeah, I mean there was no way I could stay with her after what she did to Blake", he continued. Confused, my smile slowly dropped, "What?". He didn't take note of my confusion as he continued, "You know, the whole hickey issue that cause the fight between you and Blake. It's saddening that I thought that she really loved me but....", he kept talking but I had completely zoned out as my head started spinning.

"Heyy I'm Daisy, Alec's girlfriend. You're?". I smiled as I spoke, "I'm Rue, Blake's girlfriend". She immediately gasped before smiling widely, "Really? I've been expecting you. I was already starting to think Blake's just pretending". I laughed as she spoke enthusiastically, I can almost see why Alec likes her, her charm is amazing. "We have to do a double date sometime", she clapped her hands excitedly. "Hold your horses lady. Don't scare Rue away, you only just met her". She pouted as she folded her hands, "Are you saying I'm scary?". And like that, they continued their harmless bants while I turned to Blake and poked his cheek.

Daisy gave Blake that hickey?!

He knew and he didn't tell me?

When did he find out?

He still went to see her today?

"I was out with Daisy. We just had dinner and that was it"

"Rue? Rue?", Alec's shake brought me back to reality and I turned to see him looking at me worriedly, "Are you okay?" I looked around me and nodded, "Yeah, yeah I'm fine. I'm just really hungry, I guess". He smiled and removed his arm from my shoulder, "Alright then, I guess I'll leave you to your lunch", he said as he gestured towards the entrance of the restaurant. "Nice to see you", I said as I tried to smile but he took no notice to my mood as he hugged me, "Lovely to see you too. Keep in touch!". "Sure", I smiled as he waved and turned around while I turned into the restaurant.

Leslie noticed my change of mood so she said nothing throughout lunch and even when we got back to the office.

I silently prayed and hoped in my heart, even though I knew the truth already, I tried to lie to myself that Blake didn't know about it, if not, he would've told me.

The drama just keeps coming, doesn't it?

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