27. Discussions With Dumbledore

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Y/N L/N was walking down a dark path, both physically and mentally. He was currently walking down a dimly-lit path with no one else nearby. He was also walking down a dark path mentally, he had been shunned out from his family after the murder of his own father and he was starting to feel quite uneasy with himself. There was something inside Y/N, something begging to come out that Y/N tried his very hardest to suppress.

Indeed there was this slightly psychotic part of him, the part which wanted to kill and the part which felt no remorse watching the Sawyer's house burn down and the part that wanted to do Voldemort's bidding. However, Y/N kept that part of him locked away, deep within him. For now, he was still a good person.

After being sent away by his own mother, Y/N had no choice but to return back to Hogwarts and be bombarded with interrogations, from Draco, from his friends, from Hermione and from Dumbledore.

Dumbledore. How he hated that man. Every time Y/N even thought about him, there was a bitter taste in his mouth that made his stomach clench in disgust. At first, when Dumbledore had first proposed the Double Agent plan to Y/N, he thought that it was a good idea and that he should trust Dumbledore because Dumbledore knew best.

That was the wrong move.

Because of Dumbledore's need to manipulate and get other people to do his work, Y/N had endured so much physical and mental suffering that the boy was one step closer to losing his humanity. Dumbledore wanted to use Y/N to save the Wizarding World from the Dark Lord, Voldemort but if Dumbledore wasn't careful and always put his priorities in front of Y/N, there was a possibility that the Wizarding World were not safe from Y/N L/N.

After he had arrived in Hogsmeade, Y/N began walking up towards the castle, it was a long journey on foot but Y/N still did it and he made his way to Hogwarts and to Dumbledore's office.

"There he is..."

Groups of students all decided to comment on Y/N's reappearance at the castle, his ears were filled with rumours and gossip.

"Look who decided to show up, disappears for a few days and shows up like nothing ever happened. He thinks he's so special." a boy said menacingly to his friends.

Y/N turned in the blink of an eye and grabbed the boy by his throat. The boy looked instantly frightened and a crowd had gathered, watching the scene go down.

"Listen here you fucking bastard," Y/N spat menacingly, "I don't fucking appreciate you talking about me like that, especially behind my back. If you have something to say, say it to my fucking face."

Y/N looked at the boy who was whimpering slightly. His lips trembled and he tried to divert his eyes from Y/N's angry glare.

"So have you got anything to say to me?" Y/N demanded.

The boy quickly shook his head and looked down.

"I thought the fuck not." Y/N said and released his grip, letting the Gryffindor boy scamper off back to his group of friends.

"If anyone else has got a problem with me, tell me now to my face," Y/N yelled to the group of students who looked at the boy fearfully, "if you don't, then piss off."

All the students hurried off and were muttering quietly under their breaths. Y/N rolled his eyes and proceeded to make his way to Dumbledore's office.

"I bet he'll be real happy when he finds out what I did." Y/N muttered to himself.

Arriving at the Headmaster's office, Y/N didn't bother knocking and walked straight in, he was met with Dumbledore and Harry both talking.

"Interrupting something am I?" Y/N asked carelessly.

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