9. Potter The Potion Progidy

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The next day came quickly and after receiving our timetables at breakfast, the first day of lessons began. The content taught for the N.E.W.Ts were definitely a lot harder than the O.W.L courses but I was able to understand information from each lesson quite quickly. The subjects that I had decided to carry on with were: Defence Against the Dark Arts, Potions, Transfiguration, Charms and Herbology.

After an uneventful couple of lessons, it was time for Defence Against the Dark Arts with Snape. He was telling us about non-verbal spells and after a quick introduction, he set us a practical task.

"You will now divide," he said, "into pairs. One partner will attempt to jinx the other without speaking. The other will attempt to repel the jinx in equal silence. Carry on."

I was already quite proficient in non-verbal magic so when me and Draco were practicing on each other, I was easily able to block his spells and catch him off guard.

"Excellent Malfoys, ten points to Slytherin." Snape said to us after I non-verbally blocked Draco's spell.

He then made his way over to the Gryffindors and watched Harry and Ron. "Pathetic, Weasley, here, let me show you-"

He turned his wand on Harry so fast that Harry reacted instinctively. "Protego!"

Harry's Shield Charm was so strong Snape was knocked off-balance and hit a desk. The whole class had looked around and now watched as Snape recovered himself, scowling. "Do you remember me telling you we are practicing nonverbal spells, Potter?"

"Yes," said Harry stiffly.

"Yes, sir."

"There's no need to call me 'sir,' Professor." Harry said cheekily.

Several people gasped, including Hermione. The Slytherins looked unimpressed and I had a small smirk on my face, there was still one constant in my life. Harry and Snape's dislike for each other.

"Detention, Saturday night, my office," said Snape. "I do not take cheek from anyone, Potter...not even 'the Chosen One.'"

The lesson ended and after a quick lunch, I found myself in Potions, sitting at the back with Draco. After a quick introduction, Slughorn's lesson began.

"Now then, I've prepared a few Potions for you to have a look at, just out of interest, you know. These are the kind of thing you ought to be able to make after completing your N.E.W.Ts. You ought to have heard of them, even if you haven't made them yet. Anyone tell me what this one is?"

He indicated the cauldron nearest the table I was sitting. To the ordinary eye it looked like plain water, but I recognised is as Veritaserum.

Hermione, naturally, had an answer. "It's Veritaserum, a colorless, odorless potion that forces the, drinker to tell the truth."

"Very good, very good!" said Slughorn happily. "Now," he continued, pointing at the cauldron nearest the Ravenclaw table, "this one here is pretty well known. Who can-"

"Polyjuice Potion." I replied lazily. I recognised it from my adventures from my second year. Thankfully, I never had to go through the pain of drinking it.

"Ah F/N! Correct. I see you are not just talented on the Quidditch field." Slughorn said, beaming at me.

Draco let out a small chuckle and I punched him lightly.

"Now what is this one?" asked Slughorn. Hermione hand raised in the air and Slughorn looked quite bemused as he pointed at her to say her answer.

"It's Amortentia!"

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