10. Ron's Jealousy

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Harry's POV

"So...parchment, grass and what was the mystery thing?" Ron asked Hermione curiously.

"None of your business Ronald." Hermione replied.

"Grass because Quidditch and Y/N, parchment because she and Y/N spent a lot of time studying together and the last thing was probably just something to do with Y/N." I said, as Hermione gave me a glare.

Ron had a disappointed look on his face but quickly hid it by stuffing his face with chocolates nearby.

Hermione then looked at me. "Now who's this Half-Blood Prince that's giving you tips on Potions?"

I looked at Hermione dumbly. "If I knew I would tell you wouldn't I?"

"So can we find out who he is?" asked Ron.

"Or her," said Hermione irritably, "it might have been a girl. I think the handwriting looks more like a girl's than a boy's."

"The Half-Blood Prince, he was called," I said, "how many girls have been Princes?"

Hermione seemed to have no answer to this.

The following Potion lessons, Slughorn seemed to be very impressed with my abilities. It was lucky that I had the help of the Half-Blood Prince otherwise I would be failing miserably. Unfortunately, Y/N was also very good at Potions and even without the help of my book, he was still performing quite well.

I didn't know how I felt about Y/N. On one hand, he wasn't the one who injured me on the compartment and his F/N Malfoy act was really all an act to help Dumbledore out. But part of me felt like that there was a possibility that he was going to get dragged into the dark side to the point where he couldn't get out.

It was really a game of chance. Would Y/N turn evil? Would he not?

"Hermione, will you let me copy off your Charms homework?" Ron pleaded, as we were sitting around a table in the Common Room. I was sitting on one side of the table and Ron and Hermione were sitting on the other side...closer than usual.

"No Ron, you can do it yourself." Hermione replied.

"But you're just so smart and it'll help me a lot." Ron said, with a pathetic attempt of a charming smile.

Was I missing out on something? Since when did Ron like to be nice to Hermione...

Humming to myself, I flipped through the pages of the Half-Blood Prince's book, hoping to find something that revealed his identity, but I couldn't.

"Harry mate, when are tryouts again?" Ron asked me.

Ginny appeared from nowhere. "Oh yeah, when are they Harry?"

I hadn't really thought that far into the future. "Next week I s'pose, I'll let you know."

Ginny nodded. "Now who's this Half-Blood Prince Hermione's been telling me about."

I shot Hermione a furious glare and she quickly started scribbling on her parchment.

"Are you sure it's not dangerous? After everything I went through in my second year, I don't think you should really trust it." Ginny advised.

"It's fine," I told her, "there's nothing wrong with it, it's just helping me become better at Potions."

Letting out an annoyed huff, Ginny walked out the Common Room.

Quidditch tryouts finally happened and apart from a few inconveniences, I managed to select what I thought was quite a solid team. The only issue was when Cormac McLaggen wasn't selected instead of Ron. To be honest, Ron managed to save all five shots but Cormac only saved four.

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