2. Hermione Granger's Summer

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Hermione's POV

This summer was weird. That was the only word I could seem to use to describe it. I had still yet wrapped my head around the fact that Y/N was alive and that he was probably undergoing some Dark Arts training camp personally taught by Lord Voldemort himself. I knew he wasn't a bad guy but I had this feeling that being around sinister and cruel people such as Voldemort would bring out a side of Y/N that none of us had really seen before. I knew he could get angry at times but most of the time he was able to control himself so no one had ever really seen him snap.

"Erm...Hermione dear, I got a letter from those friends of yours." my father, Wendell, told me from downstairs.

Making my way downstairs I saw my dad holding an envelope with an alarming amount of stamps on them. My mother, Monica, was standing next to my dad.

I laughed. "They haven't really gotten the hang of Muggle mail yet. What did they say?"

My dad opened the letter and scanned it, his eyes moving quickly. "They're asking if you want to stay at their house until school starts again."

My eyes lit up. "Am I allowed to go?"

My mother seemed like she was thinking. "Well, it would be safer at their house right? I mean, did you hear about those bridge attacks in London?"

The attacks that were caused by the Death Eaters which meant that Y/N could've been part of it. "I've heard about them..."

"Maybe it'll be safer with your magic friends." my father commented.

That night, I hastily packed all my stuff as I was going to be collected early next morning by Mr Weasley. The next morning, Mr Weasley arrived via our fireplace to come collect me. This wasn't unusual to my parents since they had collected me via the Floo Network before. I said goodbye to both my parents, told them to stay as safe as possible. With a final hug my house dissolved into nothingness and I arrived at the Burrow.

Mrs Weasley greeted me happily before I went up to Ginny's room and spoke to her.

"Did you get made Prefect Gin?" I asked the girl.

She sat on her bed and shook her head. "Nah, but I think that's a good thing, I don't think I can handle the pressure that comes with being a Prefect. How'd you do it?"

"It wasn't that hard," I shrugged, "I guess the only hard part was having to do it with Ron."

Ginny let out a laugh. "Could've been Y/N..."

She trailed off and we both went silent. It's been over a year since he supposedly died but knowing that he was still here, still waiting for me gave me hope. Suddenly every time someone mentioned his name I wouldn't feel this endless feeling of sadness, instead I would feel hope that he would stick with his promise and that when all of this was over, we could try and return to what things were before.

But life wasn't that simple. I knew that, I just hoped that me and him could have a storybook ending, like a fairytale, but we were far from a fairytale. I wasn't the princess and he wasn't the prince.

Realising that there was a silence between me and Ginny, I decided to say something. "Yeah...anyways, how's things with you and Dean?"

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