22. Albus Dumbledore Is A Thief

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I woke up, groggy and confused. My eyes gradually opened and I took in my surroundings. The Hospital Wing.

I vaguely remember what happened, I remembered talking to both Draco and Hermione before falling asleep.

"Hey..." I muttered to the half-asleep Hermione lying next to me. There was a dull pain in my body and my arm felt quite numb after having Hermione sleep on it the whole night.

Hermione looked up at me. "Are you okay?"

I nodded and sat up, letting out a low groan. "I think I'll be fine to leave now."

"Are you sure you don't need to stay?" Hermione asked me concernedly.

"What happened? Who came?" I questioned.

Hermione looked at me. "Draco brought you here and then I came-"

"He was fine wasn't he?" I asked, my memory still quite vague from yesterday.

Hermione nodded. "I then left for dinner and came back with Harry. We stayed for a bit and then he left and Madam Pomfrey let me stay here."

"I must've been asleep when you guys came." I said with a sigh. I did feel quite groggy and I felt like my head was about to explode, but it didn't hurt, I had experienced worse.

Hermione started stroking my hair and looked at me adoringly, I smiled at her and we stayed there, cherishing the moment. In that moment, everything felt perfect.

I felt complete.

We waited until Madam Pomfrey came over and reasoned with her to let me leave the Hospital Wing, she insisted for me to stay a bit longer, but I refused and left. I wanted to get out of there, in the Hospital Wing I felt trapped and worthless, what I wanted was answers. I was going to talk to Draco later just to clear everything up.

Me and Hermione were walking down the corridors when all of a sudden I left extremely queasy and stumbled, almost falling over.

"Y/N!" Hermione exclaimed, rushing to me.

I stood up and regained my balance. "I'm fine."

"You're not!" Hermione said, looking at me up and down. "I'm bringing you back to Madam Pomfrey!"

"NO!" I roared, losing my cool for a moment. I realised what I had done and regained myself. "I'm fine. I'm sorry for raising my voice Hermione, I'm fine."

Hermione looked at me, rolled her eyes and stormed off.

"What's the problem with you?" I asked Hermione, chasing after her. I tried to grab her hand but she pushed me away.

"I'm the problem?" she asked me disgustedly. "No, you're the problem Y/N! How many times am I going to have to watch you get hurt? How many times am I going to have to deal with your whole double agent act? Do you know what frightens me the most? Is that I can't tell whether it even is an act anymore."

I looked at Hermione, almost paralysed in shock. "C'mon 'Mione...you know it's an act. You know I'm not like the rest of them."

"Then please enlighten me Y/N, why are you and Draco suddenly best friends? Is it because you're all a part of his army now?" Hermione said angrily.

I looked at the girl I loved. Her eyes were filled with a certain sadness and pain I had never seen before.

"How many times am I going to have to go through this pain Y/N?" Hermione said, her eyes watering.

"Hermione...you know I don't want it to be like this." I said to her.

"Then give it up!" Hermione exclaimed. "Don't do it and come back to me."

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