12. Katie Bell

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The first Hogsmeade trip of the year was rapidly incoming and I knew Draco had something planned. He had let me in on his plan and given me and few small details of what he was planning to do. It involved a cursed necklace and placing someone under the Imperius Curse.

The days leading up to the first Hogsmeade trip, me and Blaise were invited to some more of Slughorn's little parties. He absolutely adored Cormac McLaggen, which disgusted me, because of all the contacts he had. The parties were mainly him trying to get to know each of us better.

To my surprise, Hermione started coming to Slughorn's parties. I couldn't blame Slughorn for wanting to collect her, she was intelligent and her talent in Potions was probably what caught Slughorn's eye.

"Zabini, F/N, I assume you're familiar with Miss Granger over here," Slughorn said to us at one of his parties, "she is in your Potions class after all."

Me and Blaise let out a silent nod. I made eye contact with Hermione but looked away as quickly as I could.

All throughout that dinner with Slughorn, I could see McLaggen desperately trying to talk to Hermione at every possible moment, trying to boast about his contacts and his endeavours. Once we were dismissed, I could see Cormac trying to walk with Hermione back to their Common Room.

"You go ahead, I need to deal with something." I told Blaise. He nodded and made his way back to the Dungeons.

Following Cormac and Hermione, I listened to Cormac boast even more before speaking.

"Being a cocky prick isn't attractive to girls, you know that right McLaggen?" I said, jealousy consuming me from my head to my toe.

"And having your dad locked up in Azkaban for being a Death Eater is?" Cormac retorted.

I raced to where he was and in one swift instant, I grabbed him by his shirt collar and pinned him against the wall. "You want to say that again McLaggen?" I threatened.

"I see where you got your aggression from, surprised you haven't been chucked in there with him yet." McLaggen said, winking at Hermione as if he was protecting her from me.

"You fucking bastard!" I cursed before punching him square in this face.

"F/N!" Hermione cried from where she was.

My eyes were dark. "I'm not done with him yet."

Hermione looked at me with concern, this wasn't the Y/N she knew.

McLaggen, who was now on the floor clutching his bloody nose, looked up at me. I got down to his level and pointed my wand at him. "I could kill you right now and I wouldn't give two shits," I said darkly, "no one would care and I could play it off as a tragic accident caused by you doing something stupid to show off to Granger."

I saw Hermione flinch slightly at me calling her by her last name.

Cormac looked right up at me. "You won't do that, because you like her. You, Malfoy scum, like the Muggle-born, bet your parents are real happy."

He looked at me and I looked back with hatred in my eyes. "You'll never get her," he whispered up at me, "she will never like someone like you."

Anger rushing through me, I pointed my wand at McLaggen, my arm shaking from fear of myself. "Stay the fuck away from her or I'll do worse."

"F-F/N...it's okay..." Hermione said, placing her hands on me, at her touch I relaxed slightly and I removed my wand from Cormac and placed it back into my pocket.

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