25. The Dearly Departed

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"It's done." I told Voldemort calmly.

Voldemort looked extremely pleased.

"Are we going back to Malfoy Manor now?" I asked him.

He nodded. "But I have more plans for you. It was easy killing someone you didn't know wasn't it?"

I nodded. The first murder was the worst, but then I just turned off my emotions and didn't let the guilt consume me, because guilt was going to lead to my downfall.

"I'll meet you back at the Manor for whatever you want to do next, I have to make sure everything in the building was destroyed." I told him.

It was a pretty bad excuse considering that the building was burning to the ground but Voldemort didn't question and disappeared. My first move was the run into the forest and look for Nick. I had to do something, but I didn't know what.

What was I supposed to say to a guy whose family I just killed?

I jogged into the forest and looked around.

"You're a good hider Nick." I commented with a smirk.

I heard a rustle in the leaves and looked over in that direction. I walked over and just like I expected, there was Nick, hiding behind a tree.

"What the hell do you want?" he demanded.

I saw down on a nearby tree trunk. "First of all, I'm sorry."

"For killing my parents? And my sister." Nick said, looking at me fearfully. "Are you going to kill me?"

I laughed. "Luckily for you Nick, I am not."

There was silence before Nick spoke up.

"Why'd you do it?" Nick asked, still cautious of me.

I looked into the distance. "Long story."

"I think you kind of owe it to me to tell me what exactly just happened. Considering you made me a fucking orphan." Nick said angrily.

I chuckled. "Fair point. Very well..."

I told him my entire story. From the day I got accepted to Hogwarts and all my adventures with Harry, Ron and Hermione. We got to the Triwizard Tournament and Nick already seemed to be extremely shocked.

"Dragons?" he asked me, eyes wide.

I nodded and continued my story. I told him about how everyone thought I died but it turned out that I couldn't be killed by my psycho grandfather who hated everyone who had no wizard blood in them and wanted to cleanse the world of all Muggles.

"He sounds like this guy I learnt about in my History class. He didn't like certain people so he sent them all off to camps to be killed." Nick told me.

My story finished with how I was now a double agent for Dumbledore and I had to join Voldemort and in order to prove that I was loyal, I had to kill some Muggles.

"Dude, that's fucked." Nick said, now he wasn't as scared of me as I suppose he understood what I was going through. "Why don't you just not do it? Why do you have to listen to Volde-whatever's orders?"

"Because," I sighed, "it's meant to help the Wizarding World in the war."

Nick raised an eyebrow. "You're on the good side but you're killing innocent people?"

"It is a bit fucked up isn't it?" I said with a dry laugh. My life was a bit messed up, actually a bit was an understatement. My life was extremely messed up.

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