5. Undercover In The Muggle World

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Watching Hermione grin ecstatically made my heart go warm. I told her that I would make an excuse up before meeting her back near Diagon Alley in around an hour's time.

Before leaving the store, I wished the twins goodbye and stopped to say my farewells to both Harry and Issac. Since I was on a time limit, it had to be a short goodbye.

"What took you so long?" questioned Draco as I met up with him again.

"I was browsing around, saw something that you could use." I said before producing a bottle of Peruvian Darkness Powder that I took from the joke store.

Draco grinned. "That'll be useful...I got something useful too."

He produced a necklace from his bag but made sure not to touch it.

"Jinxed?" I asked.

He nodded. The two of us then went back to a fireplace where we could use Floo Powder to travel back home. Once we got home, it turned out everyone was attending a meeting.

"Ah, they're back." Voldemort said, he was sitting at the top of the table.

Each and every Death Eater turned to look at me. They all were envious and they all didn't trust me. However, since Voldemort trusted me and treated me with more respect than all of them combined, they had no choice but to listen, respect and even obey me.

"Grandfather, I have some business to attend to," I hissed in Parseltongue, "I will be gone a couple days if that is ok with you."

Voldemort nodded. "It is time for you to test your skills in the real world my boy, make me proud."

Without saying anything else, I turned to go to me and Draco's room to pack a few things before coming back downstairs and beginning to make my way back to Diagon Alley. Everyone was sceptical of what I had just said but I didn't care, all I needed was Voldemort's permission.

Arriving back at Diagon Alley, I made sure to keep as low of a profile as possible. I made my way back to The Leaky Cauldron before exiting the door into the Muggle world. I had arranged to meet her in the Muggle world, the world she was part of.

It didn't seem to be that different from the Wizarding world, there just seemed to be more extravagant buildings.

"Y/N!" I heard a voice yell and I turned and saw Hermione running towards me. I engulfed her in a hug, lifting her off the ground as she wrapped her legs around me, her head nuzzling into my neck.

I smiled. "I have a couple days to spend with you before I have to go back to prepare for back to school."

She squealed excitedly. "I have so much to show you! You can stay over at mine as well, I actually asked my parents, they're fine with it."

"They're fine with a teenage delinquent boy sleeping under the same roof as their precious little girl Hermione Jean Granger?" I laughed.

She hit my lightly. "Shut up! If you remembered, I'm actually turning seventeen soon.

"Of course I remembered, I even got you something." I replied cheekily.

"What is it?" she asked curiously.

"Not telling."

Hermione groaned before grabbing my hand and dragging me to this underground place which seemed to be packed with people. Luckily for me, I didn't look out of place, I just looked like a more sophisticated teenage boy with a bag walking around the streets of London with his girlfriend.

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