11. Y/N's Worst Enemy

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Before we start this chapter I would like to put a few trigger warnings in. There are mentions of self-harm and suicide. Y/N will be having a breakdown in this chapter and if this will affect you please skip this chapter. Please also be warned that these are recurring themes that will happen in later chapters, please take caution reading further chapters if this is something that affects you. Thank you.


I would be lying if I said Harry's recent performance in Potions was affecting me. Usually, I would be doing better than him in every subject but now in Potions, he would be on the same level or sometimes even better than me.

Today was a Saturday meaning I had no lessons. I had nothing really planned for the day so I decided that I was going to just go to the Room of Requirement just to clear my mind and potentially do some training because I knew Voldemort would want to have a progress check with me and see if I was still capable of performing such Dark magic.

After breakfast, I made my way alone to the seventh floor where this room was.

"I need a place to practice and clear my mind."

The door immediately started to form and within seconds, I had entered the room. In the room it was filled with a selection of books, some dummies for me to practice on, a couple punchbags, some weights, fitness equipment and just a collection of random items that could be useful for me later.

The first couple of hours I spent working out. I prided myself on staying in shape, I was moderately quite well built, I was muscular but lean at the same time. This would prove useful when duelling, fighting and maybe even running away from everything.

I was doing a selection of cardio and weights until I physically could not do any more. Sweat was dripping down me and I had now taken off my shirt since it was drenched in my sweat. Chucking my shirt to the side I looked around for a towel and since I was in the Room of Requirement, I found it quickly.

After taking a short break and drinking a lot of water, I began my training which involved magic.

What would Voldemort of wanted me to practice? Unforgivable curses? Dark hexes and curses? I wasn't too sure so I stuck to the basics, practicing non-verbal and verbal spells that would help me in any magical fight.

Halfway through, I took another break and started reading one of the books nearby. It inspired me to try create my own spell. There were some famous spells created by famous people that became so well known that it just became a common spell witches and wizards used in the present day.

Miranda Goshawk had her Bat-Bogey Hex that I had seen Ginny use a couple of times. Fred, George and Issac had the Daydream Charm that they had turned into a product. Dolohov had his signature curse that he used, the curse that Hermione fell victim to the end of last year.

And finally, the one that intrigued me the most was Grindelwald's spell, 'Protego Diabolica'. It was a spell that created a protective ring of black around the caster. It was possible to walk through the flames unharmed but it was only possible if the person attempting to walk through was loyal to the caster and meant them no harm. If you weren't loyal, you were burnt to ashes.

Inspired by the witches and wizards that created their own spells, I wanted to create my own. My signature spell that no one could counter, that only I would know of.

I knew that this would be a dangerous and a risky task. I remembered hearing from someone that this was the cause of Luna's mother's death. It was quite scary and quite sad that I wasn't really afraid of it going wrong. It had gotten to the point where I wasn't afraid of death and that I would greet it like a friend.

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