1. The Initiation

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Voldemort was not pleased with the Death Eater's blunder at the Ministry of Magic. Lucius and many others had found themselves sitting in a cell at Azkaban, leaving me with Narcissa and Draco alone at the Malfoy Manor. We had many visitors, they knew who I was and were suspicious of my loyalties, however, I was accepted. Since I was not at Hogwarts, I went by Y/N and Y/N only. They never referred to my surname, they either referred to me as Y/N or 'Voldemort's grandson.'

It was a common fact to everyone that I had regained my memories. Voldemort knew, Draco knew and everyone else on Voldemort's side knew. But after what happened at the Ministry it wasn't hard to prove to them that my loyalty was on their side.

One evening, me and Draco were in our room, lying on our beds, attempting to have a conversation about Quidditch, our relationship hadn't changed. I still treated him like my brother and so did he. We never brought up my life before my death, no one brought it up if I was being honest. My past was irrelevant, what mattered now was the present, and who I was loyal to now. Halfway through our conversation, we heard a gentle knock on the door.

"Draco, Y/N, we have visitors who want to see you." Narcissa Malfoy said.

Rising from my bed, I stood up and made my way downstairs. There at the table was Bellatrix, and none other than Voldemort.

"Y/N my boy, come," he hissed, "we haven't spoken in so long."

I walked forward. "Grandfather." I said, giving him a nod.

"I heard that you were there with Lucius the night they failed to collect the prophecy." said Voldemort in his cold voice.

"Yes, I was grandfather. I had arrived with Harry Potter, tricking them into believing that I was on their side when I knew of your plans. I knew that you had planted a fake dream into his mind so I came with him, hoping to assist you in any way." I replied, I had mastered the art of lying so naturally, he believed me.

"Very well, I cannot blame you for the outcome of that night. After all, you helped when you were not needed and you managed to manipulate Harry Potter. I'm very proud of you my boy."

I nodded, my eyes looking right at Voldemort's cold, lifeless eyes.

"Now," he began, "I have a task, for Draco, but Y/N you may assist him if necessary."

Voldemort turned and looked at Draco, who was trying his very best to hide the obvious fear in him. "Draco, hopefully, you may execute this task successfully. I know your father struggles with fulfilling my tasks and I hope it doesn't run in the family."

"W-what do you need s-sir?" Draco asked, stuttering slightly.

"You do not refer me as sir, that is for people less powerful as me. You will refer to me as Lord."

"Yes my Lord."

Voldemort smiled evilly. "I know that Albus Dumbledore is getting old and weak and I want to get rid of him once and for all. Naturally, I cannot just duel him so I want you, Draco, to find a way to kill Dumbledore this year at Hogwarts."

"Grandfather, if I may ask, am I returning to Hogwarts this year?" I asked, I wasn't sure if Voldemort would want to train me instead of making me go back to Hogwarts.

"Of course my boy, you will be there to assist Draco and if he fails to complete the task, you will step up for him. And it wouldn't harm anyone to have an extra pair of eyes and ears inside Hogwarts."

I nodded, internally I was freaking out. Draco had to kill Dumbledore? Was this the task Dumbledore said Voldemort was going to set for me? Did Dumbledore know that he was going to die?

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