Book Six

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Y/N is your name
L/N is your last name
E/C is your eye colour
H/C is your hair colour
F/N is your fake name

You are Y/N L/N a Pure-blooded wizard and your family are known for being Blood-traitors. All your life you have grown up with the Weasley family and you are meant to start your sixth year. Your father is Steven L/N and your mother is Joyce L/N. You also have an older brother named Issac L/N who has graduated from Hogwarts and now works at Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes. It was revealed in the end of book two that they are not your blood family and that you are actually related to Voldemort and it was revealed that your real father was Sirius Black in book three and that your real mother was Marissa, Voldemort's only daughter, in book four.

In your first year you made friends with The Golden Trio and went with them to save the Philosopher's Stone, you realised that maybe you have small feelings for Hermione but don't want to act on them.

In your second year you went up again Lord Voldemort's memory and the Basilisk, you and your friends saved Ginny Weasley from her doom and you managed to kill the Basilisk. You confessed your feelings for Hermione when she was petrified and she may of heard.

In your third year, you helped the Gryffindor team secure their first Quidditch Cup win in a while whilst discovering all about your family. You and Hermione shared a kiss at the Quidditch Match but you two aren't dating. You, Harry and Hermione then went on to save Sirius Black from his doomed fate as he was innocent.

In your fourth year you were selected as one of the Triwizard Champions alongside Harry, this caused a brief pause in your friendship as you both became rivals. The Ministry discover your true parentage and you and Hermione finally became an couple. However, you were hit with a killing curse and are now dead.

In your fifth year, you were dead at the beginning but a protection spell from your birth mother kept you alive and you were brought into the Malfoy family under the alias F/N Malfoy. Dumbledore asks for you to be a Double Agent for the Order as Voldemort wants you as his secret weapon. You agree and after the Department of Mysteries and watching your birth father Sirius die, you start to begin your journey as a Double Agent Death Eater.

This is your sixth year, you will be starting your journey as a Double Agent for the Order, you will be faced with the tasks of being a Death Eater and most importantly, you will be faced with the challenge of mantaining your relationship with Hermione. With your new task, can you make your relationship work?

I highly recommend reading book one, book two, book three, book four and book five before reading this.

(Edit by wonhosmila)

(Edit by wonhosmila)

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