"N-no he's not my dad Malfoy." I said to him.

He gave a slight chuckle while looking down at the ground, when he looked back up he had a huge smirk on his face. "I just heard you call Snape 'dad' Myth."

I looked at my dad to see he was still glaring at Malfoy. He walked over to where he was standing and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt "if you ever mention this to anyone Draco I will hurt you and erase your memories." My father told him he then let go of Malfoys shirt and backed away.

"I won't tell anyone I promise." Malfoy said looking at my father and I. My dad nodded his head and turned away and started walking away from us once he turned a corner Malfoy looked back at me.

"So Myth isn't your real last name huh?" He asked me.

"None of your business Malfoy." I gritted through my teeth.

"Black bird I won't tell anyone." He said to me somewhat calm.

"I don't believe you." I told him.

He's Malfoy for gods sake who would believe him? He's never given me any reason to trust him.

He walked up to me so close I could feel his breath on the tip of my nose. "I know you don't believe me little miss Snape, but I know I won't tell anyone and you should know too."

"Ha Malfoy very funny, in the five years I've know you; you have never given me any reason to believe you or trust you." I said laughing at him.

He grabbed my face and lifted it up to make me look at him. "I'm not going to tell anyone Gemini." He said to me still squeezing onto my cheeks. I looked down at his arm and then to his face giving him the look that I want him to let go of me. When he still didn't let go I grabbed his forearm and pulled his hand off of my face.

"Don't touch me Malfoy." I said to him with a hard glare.

He gave me a smirk and gave a slight chuckle. "You know you're the only girl who doesn't want me Snape." He said to me while crossing his arms over his chest.

I rolled my eyes at this comment. "God you're repulsive Malfoy, no Gryffindor girl wants you." I told him raising one eyebrow at his comment.

He threw his head back and started laughing like he's never heard anything funnier than what I said.

"What's so god damn funny Malfoy?" I said to him crossing my arms and glaring at him as he still laughed.

"I-it's Just I've fucked plenty of Gryffindor girls. I truly mean it when I say you're the only girl who doesn't want me." He said to me calming down from his laughing fit.

"Christ Malfoy." I said to about to walk away.

"I mean I'm sure no guy wants you anyways, I mean look at you." He said laughing again.

What he said wasn't exactly the truth I've had sex before; multiple times actually, I've never had a boyfriend but I can pull guys if I really wanted to.

"I'm not as innocent as I look Malfoy." I said through my gritted teeth it's none of his business but I love to prove him wrong.

"You definitely are, I can tell just by looking at you that you're a virgin Snape." Malfoy said to me raising an eyebrow.

"Why don't you go ask Blaise about that huh?" I said to him with a smirk knowing I just won this.

Yes it's true, I lost my virginity to a Slytherin and yes it was Blaise Zabini. It happened in the middle of our 4th year and ever since then we have been what you call 'fuck buddies'. Fred and George give me shit for it all the time but what can I say, Blaise knows how to have a good time. He's not the only person I've had sex with either but the others are irrelevant because I didn't finish and if I didn't finish then I like to say my body count is still one.

Malfoy just laughed at me like he was in disbelief of what I just said. "Ya right Snape, Blaise would never."

I raised an eyebrow and stepped closer to him. "I can't even count on my hands how many times we have fucked Malfoy." He stopped laughing at that sentence and looked me dead in the eye.

"I'm guess I'm not as innocent as you think I am huh?" I said to him getting even closer to him to the point where I could almost taste the pot he had been smoking earlier in my mouth.

He didn't say anything all he did was look me dead in the eye with a straight blank face and then he gave me a smirk a mischievous smirk like he was about to do something bad.

He grabbed my face and grabbed it hard and then kissed me hard. Usually I would push someone off and I don't know why but I decided to allow his tongue in my mouth and then I allowed mine in his. This wasn't some type of passionate kiss no it was more like a fuck me hard type of kiss. I somehow ended up on the wall with my legs straddling him, his hand was trailing up my legs to underneath my skirt slowly like he was teasing me. If my hands weren't wrapped around his neck giving me the support to stay in this position then I would have pushed his hand up already. When his hand made the way to the line of my underwear he pushed it aside and started rubbing my clit I let a moan escape through my lips, he gave a low chuckle that I felt vibrate through my mouth.

He kept going and right before it felt like he was about to slip a finger in, he stopped. He pulled away from my face and stared at me hard in the eyes. "Meet me in my room tonight." He then moved his hand up to my throat. "Then you can really show me how non innocent you really are Black Bird."

I unwrapped my legs from him and gave him a slight glare. "Just because this happened doesn't mean I still don't hate you Malfoy." I said to him.

It was the truth, I will always hate him but who would say no to some sex? Specially hateful sex, that sex is always the best.

He tightened his grip on my throat like he was expecting it to hurt me but all I did was smirk.

"I still hate you too Snape, doesn't mean I won't fuck you." He said to me annoyed but also with a sense of sexual tone to it. He let go of my throat and walked away.

I know he would never tell anyone he is going to have sex with me so maybe I should trust him about my dad? But I really don't know if I can, my trust issues are horrible,. Mostly because everyone sucks.

In all of this I completely forgot about the pain in my arm until just now, it hit me like a brick. I looked down at my arm to see it has completely stop bleeding but it still felt like someone was carving words into my whole arm, I honestly have no idea how the hell this is allowed.

Then something hit me, that kiss Draco and I just had wasn't the vision I had of us. No the vision was more of a soft 'I need you' kiss not a horny kiss, and that meant that wasn't the only kiss we would ever have.

It was just the beginning.

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