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TW: ED mentioned in this chapter!

Gemini Myths POV

It's been two weeks since I've last spoken a word to my father. I've showed up to his class right as the bell rings and left right as class ended just to make sure he wouldn't try and talk to me.

I did end up talking to Draco two nights after the thing with my father and he told me about Fred and George and I was thankful he listened to them. I did say sorry for ignoring him and for what happened in Dumbledores office but it didn't seem to anger him because he is the same way I am. In fact he wasn't angry at all and he showed that in a very pleasant way. Sex.

Sex was amazing with him. Not because we're dating it's just the fact that he knows exactly what he was doing.

Fred and George came and found me a few hours after the incident with my father and talked to me. They distracted me with jokes and books and made sure I went to bed with a smile. They never let me be that angry when I go to bed. In their words "no one should go to bed angry because you'll never know if you'll survive the night, so make it a happy one."

Right now I was sitting in the great hall for lunch with the twins and trying to focus on my divination homework.

"Hungry?" I heard George say as he tried to hand me a cookie.

I looked up at him with a slight smile and shook my head.

"Yes you are." Fred said taking the cookie from George and setting it down on my book to make me look at the cookie.

When I get stressed eating seems to be harder because it's the only thing I can control at that moment.

I stared at the cookie with a blank face and then moved it off my book.

"What if I take a bite first?" Fred said.

I looked up at him. "Maybe if I was actually hungry then that would work but I'm not hungry."

Fred gave me a blank stare. He was able to tell straight through my lie and his face showed it.

"You haven't eaten in two days." George said next to him.

I rolled my eyes and averted my attention back to my homework.

"I'm going to tell your dad if you don't take a bite of that cookie." Fred said to me as he pushed the cookie back onto my book.

"No you won't. You always say that but you never do." I said as I read the question on my homework.

"Fine then I'll tell Malfoy." Fred said.

I looked up at him and glared. "He doesn't know that about me." I said tiredly.

"He hasn't realized?" George asked as he took a bite from his mashed potato's.

"We haven't hung out these past two days. We have both been swamped with homework." I said shrugging my shoulders.

They both slightly turned their heads to look at Draco who was sitting at the Slytherin table with his friends and indulging in his food. Draco felt the pair of eyes on him and looked up at the twins with a slight glare.

We might be dating but I don't think he will ever get over the hatred for the Weasleys but he tries to when it comes to the twins.

His eyes moved over to me and he slightly smiled. I smiled back and then turned my attention back to my homework.

"Oops I think he's coming over here." Fred said with a slight laugh.

"He would never come to the Gryffindor table." I said thinking they were joking.

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