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Gemini Myths POV

Theo winced slightly at the pain as I patted his eye with a wet rag.

"Sorry." I mumbled grabbing a healing cream off my bathroom counter.

Theo and I headed back to my dormitory since I had tons of healing stuff from my father being a potions professor and all. Ron stayed in the common room were Hermione and Harry were since Slytherins still aren't his favorite thing.

"How did he find out?" Theo asked as I squeezed a bit of healing cream on my finger.

He was sitting on my counter and I was standing in between his legs as I healed his nose and eye.

I sighed lowly as I brought my finger up to his eye.

"I saw him kissing Astoria and I guess I got mad, so I entered his day dream you know the whole devil thing, but once I entered his day dream I wanted to make him feel what I felt so I showed him us in the bathroom at the party." I spoke quietly as I applied the healing cream slowly.

He didn't say anything back as he slightly winced from the touch.

"I'm sorry, I should've thought of you. I was only thinking about myself." I mumbled as I brought my hand down to grab more cream.

He chuckled slightly. "Never thought a Tinsley could apologize."

I rolled my eyes and chuckled at his joke.

"Just because I'm half devil doesn't mean I can't have emotions sometimes." I said as squeezed more cream onto my finger.

"But really, I shouldn't have brought you into it." I said touching his eye gently.

He touched my hand that was patting his eyes which caused me to actually look at him and not just his eye.

"It's your soulmate, you'll do anything. I can't be mad at you." He said as he moved a piece of my hair out of my face with his other hand.

I smiled slightly at him as he let go of my hand and let me keep working on his eye.

"How do you know about that?" I asked quietly as his eye started healing.

He looked down and sighed quietly, he looked back up at me and met my eyes and smiled slightly.

"My grandfather met a woman when he went to school here, her name was Atlantis Tinsley..." he started.

"That's my grandmother." I smiled at him.

He nodded his head with a tiny smile.

"My grandfather felt connected to her in some way, he could read her mind, he could never get her off his mind, pain couldn't effect either of them when they were in the same room, they protected each other even when they didn't want to, they fell in love fast." He explained.

I was still standing in between his legs as I watched his eye slowly heal.

"And then when I found out you were a Tinsley, I saw the way Draco protected you in that moment at the New Years party, I saw the way he looked at you all the time, I noticed the way he always knew when something was off with you, I noticed when the love became strong and then I put two and two together, you're soulmates." Theo finished explaining with a smile.

"You didn't tell him right?" I asked Theo knowing it could be bad if he told him.

Theo shook his head. "When my grandfather told me about the story, he told me she wasn't able to tell him because he could die so I knew not to tell Draco."

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