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Gemini Myths POV

"You want to what's going to hurt you the most Snape?" Lucius spoke as he kept me locked up behind these bars, in a cage like a fucking animal.

I didn't say anything as I sat on the concrete ground of this cell my back against the cold concrete wall, staring at him with so much fucking hatred.

"When you wake up one day and for those mere precious seconds you've forgotten everything; what you did, how many people you hurt, all the reasons you're broken and then with a snap of your fingers it all hits you. The guilt, the reasons you're so fucking pathetic, you remember why you didn't want to wake up. That's what's going to hurt you the most Gemini Snape." He said with a devious smirk as he twiddled with his wand.

I scoffed towards him as I shook my head. "I will never turn her back on."

He nodded his head and clicked his tongue. "I thought you would say that, so that leaves me no choice."

"Guards!" He yelled loudly.

Within seconds two men were barging into the cell and grabbed each arm and pulling me up.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked as they pulled me out of the cell.

Lucius stepped in front of me and tipped my chin with his wand.

"You won't even remember don't worry." He snickered as he dropped my chin and moved away to let the guards through.



"No! No get off of me!" I yelled as I started trying to fight them off after I understood what he meant. My hands were cuffed so I couldn't use magic.

"Get off of me!" I yelled again as I thrashed in their arms as they dragged me.

I snapped out of the vision as my hands fell into the snow and instant coldness hit me sending shivers up and down my body.

"Are you okay?" Draco asked as he picked up my bare hands and tried to warm them with his.

I nodded my head. I couldn't tell him about his own father.

"I'm fine. Let's just go inside." I muttered as I slowly stood up, my hands dropping from Draco's allowing me to shake the snow off of my clothes.


Draco started speaking but I was already walking quickly back into the house.




I kept telling myself as I walked away, trying to block the vision so he couldn't read my mind.

I know his father despises me, but would he really go as far as erasing my mind? And when?

Once I reached the house I quickly hiked it towards his bedroom and planted myself on his bed, laying down trying to not be stressed.

Lucius can't get his hands on me, not with Draco and my father around and he knows that. So how the fuck does he? The vision has to be wrong.

They have never been wrong before.

I sighed loudly as I rubbed my hand over my face.

Fuck you Lucius Malfoy.

"Sweetie?" Narcissa said popping her head into Draco's bedroom.

I looked over at her and tried to give a small smile.

"Dark lord is ordering a meeting here. Your father is on the way as well." She said disappointed that we all have to deal with this bullshit.

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