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Gemini Myths POV

"Can I ask you a question?" Ron said as we sat in the common room with Harry and Hermione.

I nodded my head at him telling him to ask away.

"Did it hurt? The mark?" He asked me quietly, making sure no one else heard.

"Draco was in the room, so no pain for me." I said shrugging my shoulders as I sat up on the couch.

"Stop asking her questions about it Ron." Harry said annoyed as he wrote on his parchment.

Harry has a hard time trying to trust me, I mean it's understandable and I get it. I'm a death eater, I'm supposed to help Voldemort murder him, but every time he makes it known I feel like a complete piece of shit.

"I have to go." I said with a fake smile.

"Don't want to miss your orders." I heard Harry mumble under his breath.

I didn't retaliate because he isn't wrong, I mean that's not what I'm going to do at this moment, I just wanted to get away from the sly comments so instead I headed to my room.

Which was an even worse idea.

As soon as I opened my bedroom door an owl flew in and dropped a letter on my bed.

I picked it up and sighed as I saw the black parchment as I opened the letter.

Miss Snape,

Flores  family must be killed.

Half blood with a husband and wife and three kids.

Address: 3833 Prospect Ave.
When: ASAP

I threw the letter across my bedroom and ran my hands over my face in despair.

He will kill your father. You have to do it.

I took a deep breath as I stood up from my bed.


A mask appeared on my face and I hated it, unlike last time when I loved it.

Flores family household.

I appeared in front of a big cottage with no other houses around, almost like the burrow.

I took a deep breath as each step took me closer to their doorstep, trying to calm myself before I had to murder a whole family.

Once I reached the door I quickly opened it, knowing I would back out if I didn't.

"Who the hell are you?" The husband boomed as he started running up to me.

"I-I'm sorry." I said sadly.

Avada kedrava.

He's dead.

"Hun?!" The wife yelled as her and her three children ran into the hallway.

They saw his dead body and stopped in their tracks as the wife fell to her knees and screamed out in tears.

"I'm sorry." I spoke quietly.


She was cut off by my spell and her body feel forward as her kids started screaming.

I looked at them quickly but not too long before I killed them all off.

I casted the dark mark over the house and quickly apparated back to Hogwarts.

I landed in the room of requirement knowing no one could bother me here as I fell to my knees and cried out about what I just did.

Black bird Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant