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All the signs point to it right? Or maybe I'm just going crazy.

Apparently I was walking forever because I am so late for detention.

I started running towards my fathers office and got there as quickly as I could and ran into the classroom.

"You're late Ms. Myth." He said not turning around.

"I'm sorry sir I wasn't feeling too good." I said with a smirk since he couldn't see me.

I sat down at a desk near Malfoy.

"Don't lie. Why were you late?" He said finally turning to look at me.

"Well you see professor I was walking trying to get my mind off wether or not my father is in some sort of business and I didn't realize the time." I said with a glare.

"Detention again tomorrow." He said in a cold voice obvious that he knows what I'm talking about.

Malfoy gave out a slight laugh and my head whipped to him with a very stern glare.

"This is detention Malfoy. We don't laugh." He said walking towards him slowly. "Do it again and you will also see another day of detention."

"During detention Ms. Myth you will create a truth serum." My father told me. " and for you Mr. Malfoy you will help Ms. Myth and when you guys are done you will turn it in to me. If it is not perfect you will have a week of detention."

"Uh sir? We've only made this potion once." I said knowing I have no idea how to make it. I couldn't even do it the first time.

"Which means you should remember how to make it." He said while staring into my soul.

I flickered my eyes towards Malfoy stating that he has to move to my seat. He grabbed his stuff and sat next to me.

"Please tells me you know how to make this." I begged.

"Of course I do." He said with a smirk. "I'm actually good at potions" he said trying to hurt my feelings.

"At least I know how to protect myself." I said staring at him with a blank face.

He grabbed my wrist and pulled me to the ingredients cabinet. "I'll help you since you're helping me." He said rather calmly.

"What ingredient is first?" He said to me.

"We could get this done so much faster if you just grab them rather than making me think hard about it." I said With a pouty face.

"Come on blackbird I know you know." He said still trying to help.

"Uh I know jobberknoll feathers are somewhere in the mix." I said shyly.

"Yes but not the first ingredient." Malfoy said although he still grabbed the feathers.

I tried thinking hard and long. I was getting frustrated with myself at this point and all I could think about was how much easier this would be if I wasn't In detention with a potions professor.

"God I seem so stupid I'm sorry." I laughed. A real laugh in Malfoys presence. I surprised myself.

"It's okay." He smiled at me and grabbed the ingredients.

We walked back over to the desk and he set everything down.

And then my father got an owl with a letter.

He looked upset and angry and confused. Basically every emotion in the book was on his face.

"It's your lucky day children. Detention ends early. You may leave now." He said coldly still reading the note.

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