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No guidance- Chris brown (feat Drake)

Gemini Myths POV

Just like every year the room of requirement was crowded with people. The music was blasting and people were having the time of their life.

Everyone was dressed up and dancing on the dance floor with their dates.

The alcohol table was filled with hundreds of different types of alcohol and people were crowding around trying to get a taste.

Drunk Slytherins who are usually dicks were getting along with Hufflepuffs and the ravenclaws were loosening up the more they drank. The Gryffindors were having the time of their life as we are the ones to plan this party every year.

"I'm going to grab a drink!" Theo said loudly over the music.

"I'll grab one too." I smiled as he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the table.

Since I didn't know the twins were coming I had to get molly myself, it was much harder than I expected it to be.

"I have molly, want some?" I asked Theo as I showed him the little bag containing two points of molly.

He eyed me suspiciously.

"What?" I laughed as I opened the bag and took one point out and popped it in my mouth.

"Never took you for the molly type." He said as he held out a hand waiting for me to drop the molly in his hand.

"Why does everyone say that?" I joked as I dropped the molly into his hand.

He threw the molly into his mouth and chased it down with his Alcohol.

I grabbed a plastic shot glass and poured a shot of fire whiskey into.

"Take one with me?" I asked Theo as I raised the shot glass.

He smirked and poured himself one.

"To getting murdered by Draco after this!" He joked as he clinked our shot glasses together and we threw it to the back of our throats.

"He has no room to talk." I said after I swallowed my shot.

He shrugged his shoulders.

"You aren't best friends with Astoria, I am best friends with Draco and I am now on a date taking a sex drug with the girl he's in love with." Theo explained as he started pulling me towards the dance floor.

I laughed at his statement.

"He's-he's not in love with me." I said trying to calm down my laughing.

Theo raised an eyebrow but ignored my statement as he pulled me into his body.

I slowly started dancing with the beat of the song.

His hands were tracing up my thigh towards the slit of my dress and I could feel something grow in his pants.

I smirked at myself as I tried not to laugh at this man already being horny.

I guess Molly will do that to you.

"Not very many people will agree, but you in devil form...hottest thing I've seen." He slurred into my ear.

I tilted my head up to look at him and smiled.

"I would agree with you." I said calmly.

He laughed as he gripped my hips and pushed his body more onto me.

My hands were wrapped around his neck as we danced on each other.

I was able to see over his shoulder in my heels and I spotted the two people I had zero desire to see.

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