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Gemini Myths POV

"Draco?" Blaise asked confused.

I stifled a laugh as I turned around to see Draco clench his fist and take a slight deep breath.

"Blaise." He said calmly.

I cleared my throat and shuffled in my stance. "Alright well, I didn't know Malfoy would be here. Want to go somewhere else Blaise?"

Blaise looked between me and Draco with stressed eyes.

"Uh yeah, let's go." Blaise muttered as he grabbed my hand.

I heard Malfoy mutter something under his breath but he fell silent as we started walking away from him.

"Does he think we're fucking?" Blaise whispered in my ear as I let go of his hand.

I quietly laughed. "He sure does."

"And you didn't think to tell him otherwise?" Blaise laughed as we walked out of the room of requirement.

"No, it's more fun to make him think we are." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"You're trying to get me killed." He laughed as he lightly punched me in the shoulder.

"He doesn't need to know what we're doing." I smirked as we started walking into the courtyard.

Blaise was worried for Malfoy and as much as I have zero care for Malfoy now, Blaise asked for my help at the party and boring old me said yes so here we are.

We sat under my favorite tree and Blaise started pulling out books that you could only get in the restricted section.

"These should help." He smiled as he set one down in front of me.

"You really think books will help?" I said with a raised eyebrow as I was picking the book up.

"Maybe, it will help us figure out how to help him in some sense." Blaise said with a shrug of his shoulders as he opened up his book.

The book he gave me was The life of a Death Eater.

"I'm surprised you want to help, even after you guys broke up." Blaise muttered as he read a passage.

I opened the book and sighed. "I only said yes because you asked, I truly have no care to help him."

"Why is that?" Blaise asked with a laugh.

I shut my book and sighed. "He's a dick, him and Astoria compliment each other, I have no reason to care when he doesn't care either."

Blaise clicked his tongue and shut his book as he moved his body to face me.

"He does care about you." He sighed out.

I eyed Blaise slowly. "Is that what you tried to do, bring me here to convince me to forgive Malfoy?"

"No- no, it's just the only reason he even kissed Astoria-"

"More than just kissing." I muttered as I interrupted him.

"-right well the only reason he did that was because he saw you with me. He wanted to get pay back." Blaise explained.

I rolled my eyes and gave the book back to Blaise.

"If this is what we're going to talk about then I'm leaving." I said as I started standing up.

He grabbed my arm quickly to stop me from leaving.

"Please just listen Gem." Blaise said desperately.

I took a deep breath before pulling my arm out of his grasp and walking away.

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