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Draco Malfoy's POV

"I thought the visions were supposed to stop." I mumbled as I sat on the edge of Geminis bed while professor Dumbledore stared out her windows, with a wise look on his face and Snape stood next to him but was looking at Gemini with worry.

"With other Tinsleys in the past, yes it has stopped. But Gemini isn't a normal Tinsley. The devil wants all of her not just half of her, and she's fighting that even if she doesn't know it." Dumbledore explained as he held his arms behind his back.

"How would she not know she's fighting it?" Snape asked as he finally took his eyes off of Gemini and looked at Dumbledore.

Dumbledore hummed in thought before speaking again.

"Gemini never wants to turn again, her subconscious knows that so I think her subconscious is fighting it for her..." He explained as he slowly turned around to look at the passed out Gemini. "...but that's going to hurt her more in the long run, the longer she fights the worse it will get."

"She's going to have to accept it?" I asked as looked over at her with worrisome.

"If she doesn't let it happen, it will force it's way through and it won't be a pleasant experience." Dumbledore said as he looked over at Snape, sorry written over his face.

"She won't change willingly, she hates that part of herself." I said quietly.

"You're going to have to convince her someday, I say she has about a year and a half before she has to make the decision or else it will make it for her." Dumbledore explained with a sad look.

"Thank you Professor." Snape said as he walked over to Geminis side of the bed and moved her hair out of her face.

Dumbledore didn't say anything else as he quietly walked out of the room and left us to be.

"Sir?" I said as I kept my eyes on Gemini.

Snape hummed in response, giving me the que to ask my question.

"How do I kill the only person who knows how to help her?" I said as worry began to take over.

The one person who has all the answers to her questions and knows how to train her, and I have to kill him and leave her in the dust to figure everything out on her own.

Snape gulped slightly as he stared down at Gemini with worry and confusion written on his face.

"Every day I wake up wondering if my daughter will survive what she has to endure. Every day I worry about her. Every single day. How is it that my angel has to be a devil? Why did my daughter get this curse? How did she go from one of the happiest kids I knew to one of the saddest? I have seen her at her worst and at her best and even at her worst she doesn't deserve this curse, but she reminds me everyday that she is strong enough to endure it but she shouldn't have to. I know Gemini will figure it out, I will find every answer for her even if that means I have to search the world for it. She won't be alone in this." He explained as he stared down at his daughter with love.

"I wish my parents were like you." I said, although I didn't mean to say it out loud.

Snape gave a slight chuckle. "I didn't have Gemini to keep a bloodline going unlike your father, I had her out of love. When I held her for the first time I knew I would love her with everything in me and more. She wasn't just a product of a bloodline for me, she is what I needed."

She's what I need too.

Gemini Myth's POV

It's been a few days since my last vision and honestly I was hoping it would stay this way, I didn't need more visions. Although I wish I knew who I was screaming about in my vision, the vision didn't show me who it was.

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