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Gemini Myth's POV

It was a week after winter break and I was currently sitting in Defense against the Dark arts attempting to listen to Umbridge babble on.

"Pst Gemini.." Neville said as he poked my shoulder. I was sitting next to him today since Draco had some prefect stuff to attend to.

I looked over at him with a smile. "What's up Nev?"

"Do you have any idea what she means?" He asked about what Umbridge was talking about.

"Useless shit." I whispered with a slight laugh. "Like actually, nothing she is talking about will help you in the real world."

"Oh." Neville said as he fiddled with his hands.

"I will help you in the common room tonight." I said to him.

He smiled at me and then turned his attention back to Umbridge.

"This is the time to start studying for O.W.L.S. If you do not pass you will never go anywhere in life remember that." She said with an annoying smile. "Class is now over. Goodbye students." She said waving us off.

I grabbed all my stuff and got up from my seat and headed out of the classroom to go to the courtyard.

"Gem! Wait up!" I heard Hermione say as I walked out of the classroom.

"Hey Hermione." I said sweetly as she walked up next to me.

"I was just wondering, what was the vision at the burrow?" She asked hoping I would answer.

"I'm sorry Hermione but I can't tell." I said shaking my head slightly.

"Why is that?" She asked as we turned a corner getting closer to the courtyard.

"I am not allowed to change what happens in the future and if I tell you then you will try to change it." I said as I quickly came up with a lie.


"I'm sorry 'mione but I need to get going." I said as I waved goodbye to her and rushed onto the courtyard so she could stop pestering me.

I sat down at my favorite tree and pulled out homework that I still needed to finish. I had to do an essay for astronomy so I started on that first.

A few minutes passed and I have written a paragraph that even I don't know what it is about.

I sighed quietly and turned my attention away from my parchment and took in the surroundings. I looked over at a bench to see Pansy sitting down with Draco's head in her lap.

Do not get jealous.

I thought to myself as I felt my hand clench my quill.

I lay in the twins laps all the time. It means nothing.

Pansy and Draco do not like each other just best friends.

I kept reassuring myself.

I was brought out of my thoughts when I saw Pansy point at me and Draco turn his head. I quickly looked away and pretended I have been writing my paper the whole time.

"Someone looked upset just now." Draco said as I felt him sit down next to me.

"Funny. I don't get jealous. Specially over Pansy." I said as I started writing more of my essay.

"You look like you were about to break your quill in half." He pointed out.

"I didn't want it to fly away." I said to him trying to make an excuse.

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