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Geminis POV

"She's not taking the O.W.L's this year Umbridge." My father was explaining to Umbridge.

"She has to! Every 5th year student is required to take it." Umbridge tried to explain calmly but came out more angry like.

"She can't." My father said annoyed.

Dumbledore and my father have decided that is it best that I do not take the O.W.L's for I need to train that day and they don't want me to have a vision during the test which would screw me and everyone else over.

"And why is that Severus?" Umbridge asked crossing her arms over her chest.

"She will not be in town." My father lied.

"I suggest you switch your vacation time as this is more important." Umbridge said as she clicked her tongue.

My father sighed. "She is going to a hospital in Ireland, not much of a vacation."

A lie.

Umbridge awkwardly shifted her weight at that news and decided to ask no more questions. "I will let the ministry know."

"Thank you Dolores." My father said as he nodded his head.

The both us left her office and headed up to Dumbeldore.

"A hospital? In Ireland?" I laughed looking at my father.

"Can't exactly tell her you're the devil now can I?" My father laughed out as he scuffed up my hair with his hand.

I shrugged. "It might scare her away and then we would never see her again." I joked around.

"My dreams would come true." My father sighed out as he thought about never having to see that frog again.

We arrived to Dumbledores office and my father spoke the password, the huge statue moved allowing us into Dumbledores office.

My father grabbed my arm quickly.

"Dad why are-" I started saying until I stopped once I looked up.

The Malfoy's.

All three of them.

"Ah the Snape family." Lucius said turning around to look at us.

I looked over at Draco and smiled, and for some reason he looked disgusted with me, so I trailed my eyes away and looked my father.

"Why are they here Sir?" My father asked looking at Dumbledore.

Dumbledore nodded his head and intertwined his fingers together in front of him.

"Well Severus, I think they may be able to help Gemini." Dumbledore explained calmly.

"They aren't touching my daughter Dumbledore." My father said pulling me behind his back as he tried to protect me from Lucius.

"Severus..." I heard Narcissa start to explain.

Since my father is 6'1 and I am 5'0 I can't see around him.

"...You know I would never put her in harms way." Narcissa explained nicely.

"You can trust them Severus." Dumbledore said and I could hear his footsteps getting closer to my father.

After a few seconds my father pulled my body back to the side of him so I could see everything.

"How can they help?" I asked quietly.

"Narcissa and your mother were best friends, she knows everything that happened and exactly how to get into your mind." Dumbledore explained.

"And Lucius?" I asked looking over at him with disgust.

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