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Hello everyone! New friends and old friends!

I'm going to introduce myself again!

My name is Athena! I'm 21 and I live in Phoenix Arizona and I am a ✨spicy Gymnast ✨ for a living.

I haven't been updating because my life up until recently has been a horrible rollercoaster. I haven't had time to focus on anything but paying bills on time, getting a steady job and such.

But now my life has settled and I now have time to focus on my most favorite thing which is writing this book.

I am going to update twice a week and maybe sometimes more as little surprises, but I will update every Monday and every Wednesday!

(Also this book will be going through some edits as i am a dumbass sometimes and forget things or I fuck up my own grammar for some reason haha)

I hope you continue to enjoy this story and thank you for being patient!

Black bird Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz