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Rave had to admit, the reason for Thinlin's poor food was the ingredients, not the chefs. All the food cooked with Bellan products tested good, an improvement from its former state.

For the first time in a while, Josephine had undiluted wine served during the feast. And decanters flew like flies, there wasn't a corner in the hall where the sweet smell of the wine and the strong ones of the liquor didn't flow. The night was hot, and mixing with all the alcohol was the scent of sweat.

Rave drank the wine, to keep her mind occupied, to keep the smells at bay, and just to forget the night the next morning. Leo didn't drink, as he was technically on duty. Though Rave had coaxed him into drinking a goblet as well.

The night continued on, but no one wanted to leave, it seemed. Nearly everyone was drunk off their minds. Dancing and singing bawdy songs. Josephine laughed along, nodding and smiling. She enjoyed her married life, or so it seemed to Rave.

But Rachid was missing from the feast, the seat beside Josephine empty. She didn't ask after any of her attendants and no one questioned his absence. Or Ib's absences, whose presence was so light, no one noticed it gone. Not even her princess.

A comedic play set up the center stage as Josephine clapped her hands. "Entertainment." The play was a Thinlinyte one, and not very comedic. Yet in everyone's drunken state, it didn't matter. It was enough for it to be played.

Rave didn't laugh as the crowds roared at a joke she couldn't hear, she only chuckled. For a while, under the influence of alcohol, she forgot about Aurilean, Taiskin, and her woes. The enjoyment of mindless celebrations, the raucousness of it all. Even Leo laughed along, though he hid it with a cough.

And so, Rave slowly lowered her guard. Her mind deluded and attention elsewhere. All of it stopped when Josephine threw her goblet, shattering the glass vessel into a thousand pieces. "What did you say?" She yelled at Lina, who looked very startled.

"Josephine-" Lina was cut off as Josephine slapped her. Josephine was flush from the wine.

"How dare you!" Josephine slapped her again. No one dares to breathe as Josephine grabbed her skirts and left the hall. Leo edged closer to her, his hand on her forearm.

"What happened?" A voice called out. No one said anything. The actors of the play slowly ran out, leaving all their props. For the next few minutes, no one dares to do anything. Lina was quietly crying, clutching her face. Rave rose up and walked beside Leo, taking one of the hidden daggers from his belt. Everyone was drunk and the tension was high.

Everyone yelled and scrambled when the guards rushed back into the room. The head of guards looked around, before locking eyes with Rave. Sudden and quick with a yell, a dozen guards attacked rave and Leo.

Her dagger seemed so tiny next to the swords. The drunkenness slowed her down, as well as the heavy skirts of her gown. Kicking one of the guards in the shin and held her dagger up to another. Rave backed into Leo, they stood back pressed against each other. He had his raised, the black blade giving off a deathly and bloodied gleam in the light.

The guards had them surrounded. Back to back, Rave whispered to Leo. "What happened?"

"I don't know," Leo whispered back.

All the swords were pointed towards them, from all angles. The courtiers watched from hidden places, frightened and entertained. Rave could hear the raise of clashes happening outside. No doubt it was her entourage, on their way to protect her.

"Did you think just because Rina married your whore of a brother, means that you can walk all over me? Me!" Josephine yelled from the entrance, "Get me more wine!"

A page hurried to give her a goblet. Josephine took a deep sip and threw it. "You think you send your harlot to my husband's bed and I won't notice?" Josephine spat on the ground.

"I have no idea as to what you speak of," Rave replied.

"No idea? No idea? Then why is your lady-in-waiting in bed with my husband?" Josephine marched up to her. "All you Bellans and Dueativens are the same, thinking you will be able to control me. You can't! I am Josephine, a Queen!" She picked up a sword from the ground and pushed past them. She pointed it straight at Rave's chest.

"I didn't tell Ib to sleep with your husband. If you wish to punish her, you are free to do so." Rave said calmly.

"Oh punish her I will. But I'm done with all of you foreigners in my kingdoms, judging it as if your piss poor countries compare." Josephine turned to look at Lina, who had melted into the shadows. "Put them all in the dungeons."

Josephine pushed the tip of the blade a little farther, pricking Rave. "Except Leo. Bring him to my chambers. I will take what I want from all of them."

Two Of The Same Piece || Book 1 (The Beginning)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz