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Rina was excited. The queens were hosting a personal garden tea party for royal ladies. It was less of a tea party and more of a buffet, Rina thought. There were huge platters of desserts shaped like birds. They tasted heavenly too.

Rina finally had the chance to make a good impression on the queens too. They would remember her if she acted graceful and elegant. It was essential to have the support of the queens, especially if she wanted to be Taiskin's bride.

"Princess Rina, please, have a seat." Princess Irene invited her over to a fountain that doubled as a sitting area.

"Thank you, Princess Irene." Rina nodded.

Irene sat beside her, immediately putting her plate down beside her, she turned to Rina. "Did you go to Rita's?"


"The boutique in the Makan district?" Irene asked excitedly, "They are my personal favorite in Bellamin."

"Oh, how did you know I was there?" Rina asked. That was strange, maybe one of Irene's personal ladies or a friend was there.

"How did I know?" Irene looked shocked, "It was the talk of the court! This is the first time Taiskin has done this."

"The first time? For me? Really?"

"Yes!" Irene shook her head, "He is oh so picky. Our parents honestly worry. Queen consort Cressida had tried to introduce so many suitors to him, but he always refuses."

"What is he like? Truly?" Rina was really curious now. She was the first person Taiskin had shown interest in. She couldn't believe it. Taiskin was a crown prince, he had hordes of women behind him and he found Rina interesting.

"Tai's a tease. He is quite playful if I'm being honest." Irene waved her hand, "I think he's annoying but then again, I am his sister."

"Prince Taiskin is the first time I've cared for a man too." Rave admittedly shyly. She had admired a few men but she wanted a crown. And Taiskin was the only man here who had a vacant crown.


Rave bit down on a pastry as she watched Irene and Rina giggle over something. Rave had suggested that Irene be the one to talk to Rina. The princess did not like Rave at all. So she had employed her sister's aid.

Rave had always struggled to make friends, especially with high-born women. She had her trusted ladies and Leo, but she was also their princess, they owed her their service. She honestly wished she could go and join them over there, but Irene was doing a better job of convincing Rina than she ever could.

She didn't even know why she had come here, she should be with Aurilean, enjoying his company. But she wanted to see her mother. She knew, soon after she would settle in Rayner, she wouldn't be able to see her mother anymore.

That thought scared her so much. Rave didn't want to leave her mother.

These thoughts often made her sad. She meant it when she told Josephine that Bellayong was the only place she could imagine growing old in. Rayner was of course beautiful and amazing in its own way but it wasn't Bellayong.

"Rave? Darling?"

Rave hummed as she turned to her mother. "Yes, ma?"

"What's wrong? You look sad," Her mother frowned. "You know I hate it when you're sad."

"I know, I know." She hugged her mother, resting her head on her shoulder, "I'll miss you when I have to leave for Rayner again."

"Oh baby," Her mother patted her back. "I'll miss you so much, but that's a part of life, right? Parents need to let their children go and do their duties, just as they did themselves."

"I understand, ma."


Aurilean was hiding something from her, hands behind his back, stupid grin on his face. "It's not funny, Aurilean." Rave crossed her arms, "What is that?"

"It's a surprise, clearly," Aurilean said.

"But what is it?" Rave stomped her feet.

He handed her a box. It was covered in velvet and tied up with a silk ribbon. "Open it."

"I will be very, very upset if something jumps out at me, Aurilean." Rave pulled the ribbon off and tried to open the box. It was pretty heavy too.

"Wait!" Aurilean pulled the box away from her before she could open it and look inside.


"Close your eyes." He said, "Please." He added softly.

"Fine." Rave jolted in surprise as he walked her somewhere and then put something quite heavy on her head. It was almost like a crown.

"Open your eyes for me."

Rave opened her eyes. She had guessed right, it was a crown, but it was decorated with gold- "Seashells!" She excitedly turned to Aurilean. "Oh, I love the seashells."

"I had a feeling you would say that." 

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