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Taiskin watched his sister's tearful goodbye with their parents. He didn't completely realize it yet, but this was it. Rave was going to leave Bellayong forever. Within months, she would be the crown princess consort of Rayner, and the mother of Aurilean's children.

"Taiskin." Rave stood in front of him. Her face was puffy from all the tears shed.

"I look forward to seeing you as Queen of Rayner, you know." He squeezed her shoulders.

She laughed, "I can't believe it's finally happening." She turned to look at Aurilean still talking to their father. "I will be marrying him, soon."

"Take my word as a man married twice over now." Rave rolled her eyes at him. "You'll enjoy yourself.

"Yes." Hanara interrupted. "Aurilean isn't selfish like Tai, so you'll enjoy yourself even more."

They all laughed. She sighed. "So this is farewell."

"Yes." He patted her shoulders. "You will make a good queen, Rave. Don't doubt it."

"Are you softening me up so I can do your bidding in Rayner?" She looked at him doubtfully. It was mostly playful.

"Of course not." He was being mostly truthful too.


Rave leaned on Aurilean as the coast of Bellayong got smaller and smaller. Until all she saw was water and water. Her heart was hurting, but it was also glad too. It would be good for both her and Leo to put distance between them and their old lives.

Leo was already in her cabin. She did technically have her own cabin to stay in, but she would share with Aurilean. They were going to be husband and wife soon anyway. There was no point in pretending like their relationship was anything other than love.

It would also do Leo good to spend time with Ragnor. He got so fidgety when he was with her. It seemed as if Josephine had somehow soured Leo's relationship with Rave.

"Rave?" Aurilean patted her.

"Um? Sorry. I was thinking." She turned to look at him.

"You are always in your head these days. Sometimes I wish I could follow you." He kissed her head.

"I was thinking about Leo," Rave said.

"Are you both alright? Did we leave Bellayong too early?" Aurilean looked at her with so much love and concern. It was the little things that made her love him.

"No, we left at a good time." Rave hugged Aurilean. "I feel like she ruined something between me and Leo."

You should talk to him, Rave." He said. "You both used to sit down and talk it out. Leo blames himself, while you blame yourself. None of this was either of your faults. You are not responsible for Josephine's drunken, or sober, crimes."

"He wouldn't have been in that situation if I had controlled Ib!" Rave yelled.

"Did you know that Ib liked Rachid?" He asked her.

"Well, no. But Rachid flirted with all the ladies." Rave said.

"Rachid could have slept with some street whore and Josephine would have found a way to blame you, Rave." Aurilean kissed her forehead. "Just talk to him. He loves you, and he just needs time to heal."


Leo didn't know what to do. For the first time in his life, he didn't want to see or talk to Rave. He didn't even know why, he just didn't want to see her, or talk to her, or be anywhere near her. He would have refused if Ragnor hadn't begged him to go.

She was standing on the deck, watching the dark oceans. He cautiously walked up to her and cleared his throat. "Rave."


Had they always been so awkward? "You wanted to see me?"

Rave kept her on the ocean. "You say my name differently now."

"What?" He looked at her.

"Before, you said it with affection. Now, I don't know what you say it with." She looked at him. Her eyes were still red from crying.

"I've always called you like this." He defended herself.

"We need to talk."

"What do you want to talk about then?" He didn't mean to sound as defensive as he did.

He could have sworn Rave faltered at his tone. "Do you not wish to speak with me?"

"I don't. Not right now at least."

"Leo, please. Let me help you." She went to touch his arm. He flinched away from her touch. "Leo- I am sorry. I shouldn't have touched you."

"Rave- there is nothing to talk about. You can't help me." Leo covered his face with his hands. "No one can."

"If this-" She took her deep breath. "If I become too much of a reminder of what happened, tell me. I'll release you from my service."

"What?" He looked at her, bewildered.

"I'll let you go, Leo. If that's what you want." Her voice cracked. "I'll do anything I can to help you."

"You can't just release me! What will I do?" Leo felt unbelievably helpless.

"I said I'll let you go if you want to." She repeated. "I won't force you to relive your trauma because of me."

"Rave, would you? Really?" Leo didn't even know why he pushed it.

He watched her eyes harden. "Even if it hurts me, yes."


Aurilean held on to Rave as she sobbed in his arms. "He wants to leave, doesn't he?" She hiccupped, "I can't do it, Aurilean. I can't do this."

"Rave, give it time. Leo will not leave you. He loves you too much for that."

"He doesn't love me anymore! How could he love me?" It broke his heart when he saw the defeated look in her eyes. "How could he?"

"Would you?" He asked, "Let him leave?"

"If that's what he wants, then yes, I will." She said. "Even if it hurts me. At least one of us deserves a chance to heal again. And we all know I won't ever heal." She was referring to her permanent injuries.

"Of course you will heal too, Rave. You can only take so much pain before you break too." He wanted to protect her, but how could he protect her from the pain caused by Leo leaving of his own free will?

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