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Rave watched the horizon turn into a multitude of colors as the sun rose to take its rightful place. Unlike her. Aurilean's reply was still probably making its way to her, and Taiskin (at her father's ear at all times of the day), kept her in this dry land devoid of all greenery and honesty.

Leo still slept soundly, blankets thrown out of the bed in this horrid heat. Thinlin was going through a famine, little food was available, so Bellayong and Dueative fed its poor and its rich. Rave had to be present to make sure everything had arrived as per Josephine's request because even in famine, the queen needed to have her luxurious meals.

With there no longer bring a Dueativen emissary. Rachid took the position, managing the goods from Dueative. It was awkward, Rave kept nearly a mile's distance between her and the flirty prince. She had no desire for any man, least of all a married one. Straying from Josephine's bed so quickly. What a shame.

Rave had kept quiet for now, but she should tell Josephine, it was her job as her sister-in-law. They were, by law and tradition, family. But Josephine would not believe her. She needed proof before she went to Josephine. There was also the matter of it seeming like Rave wanted to rid herself of Rachid. She did, of course, but she worked more subtly than that.

So she would wait, as long as it took. Well, only for as long as she stayed there that is. Not even Josephine could keep her there if a royal command came calling for her.


Rachid smiled at Ib, the Bellan lady-in-waiting to Princess Rave. He had come here and married this only because he was commanded to do so. The old queen was nothing like what Rachid had hoped for. With her ratty hair, too pale skin, and petite figure. Rachid had made one petty mistake and now he was here.

He only did his duty to his country, just like anyone else would be. So he closed his eyes and plowed into her as often as she wanted him to. He was already reaching his limit. He wanted, even if only for a night, to enjoy the company of a pretty woman.

And Ib had eyed him since the beginning of his stay here. She was a pretty thing too. Black hair, pale skin, and a slender figure. And they had played this little game of flirting about each other. Dropping hints here, glances there. Trying to get the other to make the first move.


Rave read through the record of everything in the two caravans Rina has sent with her new income as the crown consort of Bellayong. It wasn't for the poor, rather it was especially for Josephine. How Thinlinytes haven't started a revolution, or died, Rave could not guess.

How Selfish. She resisted scoffing. Leo inspected the caravans and then sent them to the castle. "How could she just send it for the queen? As if they are in need of more food." Leo was talking about the daily feasts for the queen's pleasure. Rave only attended to maintain appearances, even then, the other night she had made up an excuse and sent Ib on behalf of her.

Josephine didn't question her about it last night either. To Rave, it felt very wrong to feast and indulge herself while others were starving. So using her own money, she had sent for four caravans of goods for the poor. Ones that went straight to the poor. The guards at the castle stole everything without punishment.

She was exhausted. It would be nice to rest her head at a place she had the right to call her own. To live in a place where her values were shared. Rave prayed a silent prayer to her gods to let her leave.


Leo laid down Rave's gown and jewels for tonight. It was an old gown that had been refashioned to make it look new. Rave had no wish to purchase new gowns just for these stupid feasts.

Leo had never seen or even lived in the way of Thinlinyte peasants, but his parents had been inconspicuous farmers before his birth. They were later rewarded richly when he was born, they now had their own farm and labor to help them maintain it.

There were no such chances for Thinlinytes. So they suffered. Forever hitting an invisible roof put in place by the nobility. At least in Bellayong, the common people had a chance to be intimately familiar with the princes and princesses, even kings and queens. Thinlin was horrible.

Leo was lost in thought until Rave called for him. He went to help her dress and dry her damp hair. "I don't feel like going, yet I can't make up another excuse again. We all know Rachid takes every chance he gets to speak ill of us." They did, thanks to Lina boasting about it.

"Lina should learn to keep her mouth shut, lest she loses her tongue," Leo said.

"We all know she wouldn't though. And let her, it helps us too much." Rave waved it off.

"True," Leo replied.

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