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Rave was suspicious, to say the least. It was unlike Josephine to invite anyone for tea, or so Rave had heard. But Josephine had invited her. Josephine had taken a week to tell Rave if she'd go to Violeta's festival, yet the entire time she didn't look at Rave. She was only looking at Leo. It hadn't escaped her attention that she would stare at Leo every given moment.

Rave ran a finger around the edge of her teacup. Josephine had treated her to a group of acrobats jumping around. At least that was what Josephine was pretending to do, she was glancing at Leo every time she thought Rave wouldn't notice. But she did.

"I wanted to learn more, about Bellan culture. Especially if I am to visit it." Josephine finally said.

"Of course, ask away, your majesty." Rave tried to hide the edge in her voice.

"I don't understand about this guardian business. Is Leo tied to you for life?" Josephine didn't beat around the bush, either.

"The guardians of the royals are...different than yours, to say the least." Rave began, "There is no version of it in the common language, but in Bellan, we are called Raib. It means bound by souls. It is a gift for royalty. All the guardians are chosen at birth. Leo and I were born together, only to different parents. The same is for all the other guardians. The closest common language word I can think of is 'soul mate'."


"It's just that since we spend every moment together, we know each other as lovers. There is a different bond between us. One that is more sacred than family or marriage."

"Have any royals ever married their guardians?" Josephine asked.

"No, it's not needed. The bond of marriage is different from this. There is no need for marriage or anything like that. If I did give birth to a child by Leo, they would be my legitimate child. In fact, romantic relationships between Raibs are encouraged. You don't protect someone out of duty the same way you do out of love." She smiled at Josephine. "Leo and I have walked through life together. And that is why we'd do anything for each other."

Josephine nodded, "And- hm, what is this festival about again? That you are celebrating? We don't have any winter festivals here in Thinlin."

"The festival of Violeta is one of Bellayong's biggest festivals, usually only Raynerians come. But this year, my father has invited nearly all our trade allies. Bellayong and Rayner have always been close. Even though we rule different ends of the same continent." Rave explained, "Both ruling families of Bellayong and Rayner are closely intertwined. I will not be the first princess to marry into Rayner, nor will I be the last."

Josephine looked mildly curious as if she could only half hear what Rave said. "Yes, I heard. I thought you'd married farther out." Josephine laughed awkwardly. "You are definitely one of the women for whom there would be civil wars."

"I know, but I think Aurilean shares my ideals. He is a good man." Rave replied.


Leo stared at Josephine. While he was aware that Josephine admired him. But he couldn't bring himself to even like her. Something about her was all sour and bitter. He wouldn't voice his thoughts to anyone but Rave, of course.

"I don't like Josephine," Leo whispered in Rave's ear. His chin on her shoulder. Rave was writing a letter to Aurilean.

"Why?" Rave wasn't paying much attention to him.

"If you don't pay attention, I'll go and ask Josephine for some. Even if I don't like her." Leo breathed in her scent. Rave like using perfumes that smelled like flowers, and she bathed in rose water. She took her of herself better than he did.

"I'm sure she'll be excited. I know if you asked her nicely enough, she'd give you Thinlin. She would lay it on your feet and beg for more." Rave continued writing.

'Pay attention to me, I'm serious." Leo wrapped his arms around her.

Rave sighed and half turned to him. "What?"

"Josephine makes me feel strange, I don't trust her," Leo said, all the humor drained from his voice.

"I know, and I don't either. My letters to Aurilean are going to work as a delivery system to Taiskin. Between these shitty love poems and confessions of missing him, I've added coded messages. He'll pass them on Taiskin, and himself of course." Rave got up. "Lina and her lackeys sent letters to the king of Duaetive. I trust our spies. Josephine doesn't realize why I'm as good as I am. And while she makes love eyes at you, Lina would be exposed for conspiring against Josephine."

"You made all these plans and didn't tell me?" Leo shook his head. "You scare me sometimes."

Rave smiled at him before going back to her letter. 

Two Of The Same Piece || Book 1 (The Beginning)Where stories live. Discover now