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Passing the glass gates of the palace, Rave could barely upright on her seat. She had gotten sick, thanks to the sleepless nights and long days riding. Her entire body was sore beyond measure. She had shared her horse with Leo for that very reason. She didn't know if she would collapse before reaching the palace.

All her tiredness had vanished, at least for a moment, when she saw her mother waiting beneath the palm trees and arched pillars that welcomed everyone to the palace of the rainbow.

Her mother had remained beautiful and lively despite age and delicate health. Only a few wrinkles and spare white hairs had marred her youthful face. It was still clear, underneath it, the beauty had won her father's heart. Her mother's salt and pepper hair fell far past her hips, her slender figure hugged by an azure gown. The feathered crown on her head had matching jewels in them too.

Rave practically jumped off her horse and into her mother's waiting arms.

"My sweet baby." Her mother pulled away after a long while. She kissed her brow. But soon she had looked past her and went to Leo. "My baby. Oh, look at you! How did you get hurt?" She cooed, kissing his scabbed cut on his cheek. He hugged her back.

"It was nothing, your majesty."

Rave turned around and noticed Josephine limping out of her carriage. She cleared her throat. "Mother, I present to you, Queen Josephine of Thinlin and her sister, Princess Rina."

Her mother smiled at them softly, "Welcome to Bellayong, your majesty. I am Cressida, of the high deserts, the second wife of the king." She bowed slightly.

"The honor is mine, your majesty." Josephine looked uncomfortably pale.

"I apologize for the King's absence. He has been so busy planning the festivities." Her mother gestured towards the western side of the palace, "I am sure you are very tired, your majesty. Let why not rest today? We will hold court tomorrow when all the guests arrive here."

Rave kissed her mother's hand once more before watching her take the Thinlinytes to their lodgings. "Do you think we will have a peaceful time?"

"I don't know honestly," Leo replied.

Rave made her way back to Leo. "Let's go rest. I think I need to see a priestess of Leona." She grunted, leaning on him.

"That you do."


Leo would never get over how much Rave looked like her mother. Queen consort Cressida was darker than Bellans, and so was Rave. But it didn't really matter, she still managed to stand out. The monarchy of Bellayong was very competitive.

And everything could be an advantage. Rave was lucky to inherit her mother's beautiful looks, instead of her health. Cressida was very fragile, for as Leo could remember. She had tried to have more children after Rave, but they had been stillborn or died before the age of five.

Rave rarely got sick, but when she did, she was always whiny. He chuckled as he as she whined when the priestess of Leona gave her some kind of herbal tea. Apparently, it tasted like 'cow piss'.

He bowed before the dark-skinned high priestess, Bell, before going to Rave. She was still gagging. "That was absolutely disgusting."

"How do you know what cow piss tastes like?"

"I don't," She snapped, "I was making an assumption."

He carefully arranged the blankets on her. She was already sleepy, he could tell. Her eyes were closing and she was yawning. "Go to sleep. I'll join you in a moment."

"Where-"She yawned again, "Are you going?"

"I'll wash up." He pinched her cheek. "If I don't, you'll throw a fit when you wake up and come to your senses."

She hummed a reply before turning away from him and sleeping.


Rave walked ahead of Leo. She was dying to know why exactly Darei wanted her dead so dearly. After returning yesterday, she had just slept. All-day. Now it was her chance to talk to the maidservant before Taiskin came with the master torturer. "

"Are you sure?" Leo asked her, tapping her shoulder.

"I need to know, Leo."

Inside the girl was chained to a chair. They had already started asking her questions, it seemed. She was shivering, her wet hair clinging to her.

"Please! Mercy!" Her voice was hoarse.

"Why? Why did Darei want me dead?"

"Milady said she would kill me, and my family. Please, your highness, I only did what she commanded." The girl sobbed.

"That's not what I asked."

"I don't know!" The girl yelled. "Lady Darei never said anything. She just told me to do it, or she'd kill everyone." The girl's eyes widened. "Darei was sleeping with some prince of Duaetive, your highness. The son of some concubine. Milady would go to a little alehouse just outside the castle."

"Are you accusing Duaetive of trying to kill her?" Leo scoffed.

"Milady would talk through letters. I know, I delivered some myself."

"What did the letter say?" Rave asked.

"I don't know, I can't read, your highness." The girl was breathing quickly. "The prince, he was always hiding in Thinlin. Something about taking a prize."

"What prize?" Rave sighed and looked at Leo, "We can't accuse Duaetive, not with the words of some servant."

"Your highness, please!" The girl struggled against her chains, "I had no choice."

The door opened, "Well, I didn't expect you here, Ravie." Taiskin smiled at her. He was far too well-dressed to be getting his hands dirty. "Anything good out of that one?"

"She says it was a Duaetivean prince who ordered it." Rave shrugged. "Clearly she is insane."

"I don't know, Mow's father sowed his seed everywhere. He had a lot of sons, and he entrusted his rich kingdom to the ugliest one." Taiskin shrugged, the hair in his bun slipping out, "There are about twenty other princes. I won't put it past them, but we can't attack Mow with this bullshit."

"I know." Rave turned back and walked out, ignoring the girl's pleading for mercy. The sentencing for an assassination especially that of a royal, was death. "So what do we do?"

"Nothing. For now at least."

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