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Rave knew how to dress, Josephine thought with a scowl. Most women, for this feast at least, were dressed in luminous dresses of varying styles. Princess Irene wore what Josephine could only describe as an armor of jewels and gemstones. Her dress was beaded with tiny crystals that caught the light, making it look like stars. But it was still Rave who stood out. If Irene was starlight, Rave was the sun itself.

The entire dress was of pale gold cloth, it left her shoulders bare to the sight of all. The long loose sleeves glittered from the small gemstones sewn in. The dress itself must have been made of real gold thread, one of her courtiers mused. With a gold corset, which must have been squeezing the life out of her, and jewelry that was no doubt more than a fortune, Rave had won the envy of a queen too.

It didn't help that she was the only person, aside from the monarchs, who wore a crown. A gold crown of seashells and pearls. Rave caught Josephine's eye and excused herself from the Bellan courtier, to come to her.

"Your majesty." She curtsied.

"Princess," Josephine forced a smile, "You look lovely."

Rave beamed, "As do you."

Josephine eyed the crown on her pretty little head, "Seashells and pearls? I wasn't aware Bellayong traded in them."

Her hand went up to the crown. "Oh! A gift from Aurilean. Rayner's specialties are shells and pearls."

"Ah, I forget, the future queen of Rayner."

She had the grace to blush, "Not the only future queen in this room." She jerked her chin at Rina. "Taiskin has taken a liking to her. All he ever talks about, Rina this and Rina that."

Rina was with Taiskin. The light coral gown was daring, at least by Thinlinyte standards. It hugged her body like the petals of a young flower.

"Is he a good man? Like your Prince Aurilean?" Josephine asked quietly.

Rave's eyes softened, "Yes, he is smitten by Rina's innocent charm. Most of the women here aren't so..." She paused, searching for the right word, "Soft or so...innocent. We Bellan women tend to have strong personalities." She laughed.

"Even to the crown prince?" Josephine had never had anyone, maybe except Fredrick, question or challenge her.

"Oh yes. Just because he is a prince doesn't change much of anything. Women refuse him a lot. Most who aren't born with the responsibilities of a crown aren't too happy to bear it." Rave replied, "He has been looking for a wife for ages. Taiskin is also twenty-five. We were born months apart. He was born in the summer, I was born in winter."

Taiskin was younger than Josephine, she would turn twenty-nine in the New Year.

"I'll talk to Rina about Taiskin. Does Bellayong have dowries?" Josephine's biggest concern.

"No, Bellayong and Rayner pay bride prices to the family of the bride instead."

"Oh." Josephine didn't know that.

"It would be the first time a Thinlinyte married into the royal family of Bellayong. That is if Rina agrees." Rave said

"I don't think she won't agree," Josephine said.


Rina was bored now that Taiskin's attention was elsewhere. He and Mow, the king of Duaetive were conversing across the hall. She had made a friend in Irene but even she was away, talking to Rave.

Oh, how insufferable Rave was! To always steal the attention of others. But she looked fantastic with Aurilean, Rave with her dark skin and gold dress to Aurilean with his paler skin and silver robes. While Taiskin was handsome, Aurilean was...different. Too pale for Rina's taste.

Rina hid her scowl, what would Taiskin think of her? Jealous of his sister. Rina was grateful Rave was already engaged. Though that golden dress was particularly glamorous. Rina thought that her coral satin gown was the better choice, even though she didn't like it first. And who wore their corset outside their dress?

She tried to forget that attention-seeking harlot and instead subtly adjusted her own gown. The tight-fitting coral gown was the most daring dress she owned now. It showed off her body, at the expense of squeezing her.

She took a wine goblet from a passing servant, drinking the sweet, cool wine. She stared after Taiskin. He, like most Bellans, had long black hair that was pulled back from his face. His dark skin was glowing from whatever glitter powders he used. Unlike his sisters, Taiskin was dressed far more casually. Just a dark tunic and pants.

Taiskin noticed her stare and beckoned her over. Rina nearly tripped over the hem of her dress in her hurry to get to him.


Rave fanned herself. Despite the cold night, she was sweaty and her skin was clammy. Both she and Leo had left after Rave had nearly passed out. Now they sat on the marble steps to the gardens, watching the clear, starry night sky. The moon was lovely and bright, so bright that the servants hadn't bothered to light the scented tapers lining the halls.

Leo let her lay down on his lap, giving her time to adjust herself before threading his fingers through her hair softly. "When are you and Aurilean finally getting married?" Leo ran a finger over the crown.

"Soon, at least until my father finds another person willing to brave those Duaetivens. It seems I'm the only one who can stand them." Rave pulled on his unbound hair. "It seems you and Ragnor are desperate for our marriage."

"Oh, we are." Leo laughed, "We'd love nothing more than to see you wed so we can live in peace."

Rave laughed softly, "Then I must get married sooner."

"The sooner the better." Leo teased.

"But there is still the matter of Thinlin," Rave sighed, "If only it was easy to pass Taiskin and Rina as a couple together."

"Does Taiskin not want to marry Rina?" Leo asked.

"He does. She is a pretty girl, but he truly loves Hanara." Rave explained.

"I believe my sister refuses." Leo looked amused.

"Her demands are the same as mine, but Taiskin still trying." She mused.

"Well, not everyone is a princess. Hanara should just accept it." Leo answered.

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