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Hanara and Rina were some of the only people who bothered to show up to greet the princes. She should have been at the temple, but she gave up her title to a younger girl earlier today. She was no longer the high priestess, she no longer had to sit through long prayers.

The night was cool and calm, much like the feeling of Bellamin. Today was a day of celebration, a day of joy. They would celebrate Rave and Leo. streets were nearly deserted, for most were at the temples, praying alongside the king and the queens.

She pulled the shawl tighter around herself, completely ignoring the outraged princess beside her. In the end, Hanara was the only one who gained something positive from this incident. She had won this non-existent battle with Rina, the battle to be Taiskin's queen.

At the sound of the royal parties returning, they both scrambled to stand. As they were both princesses in some form now, they remained respectful and did not exchange any words. The few people around watched them with eager eyes. Which of his wives would Taiskin hold, the Thinlinyte or the priestess?

As Taiskin and Aurilean walked up the path to them, Hanara realized she didn't care. That she should have been with the princess and her brother. Despite Rave's smiles and strong words, Hanara knew she was struggling inside too-

"Hana." Taiskin held his hand out to her.

She thoughtlessly grabbed his hand and kissed it. "Your highness."

"Where is everyone?" He asked her.

"The king and queens wanted to pray for thanks. Most are at the temples." Rina cut in. she took his hand from Hanara's and wrapped herself around him. "I have arranged food for you."

"Go with her," Hanara said. Taiskin shot her a look. "I shall take Prince Aurilean to the temple."

"Will you not eat with me?" Taiskin asked, "We can go to the temple later. Together."

"No. I already ate." Hanara turned away from Taiskin. "Follow me, Prince Aurilean."


Aurilean ride behind Hanara, as they made their way to the temple at the edge of the city. The temple would be open all night long, there were people praying and feasting. The priestesses of Ravi had stayed back in Bellayong, to prepare the temples, either for the funerals or for a victory celebration.

"How did Rave react?"

"To?" Hanara slowed her horse so they were side by side.

"To being home."

"Rave, she has become unreadable." Hanara sighed. "I fear she is more worried about Leo than she is towards herself. She doesn't see herself as a victim, she sees herself as the reason for Leo's pain."

"Rave loves Leo, and she has to see him like this, in pain and destroyed." Aurilean had felt his own heart straining when he saw Leo. He didn't have any doubt Rave couldn't take it.

"And I worry for Leo too. He-" Her voice cracked. "I have never seen him like this. His health is directly tied to Rave's. If he keeps getting worse, I fear- I fear we might lose them both."

Aurilean took a deep breath. He couldn't let that happen. "How can I help them? How can I make sure they don't get lost in their despair?"

"There isn't much we can do, other than support and be there for them," Hanara said. "We can only guide them and hope that they find their way back to us."


Ragnor knocked against the door frame of the balcony before entering. He didn't want to startle Leo. He had heard every word Hanara had said. "Leo?"

Leo didn't turn to look at him. "Ragnor."

Ragnor walked beside him, giving Leo space. "Are you feeling better in Bellayong?"

"Why aren't they punishing me?" That question terrified Ragnor.

"Why would they?" Ragnor grabbed Leo's hand. "You didn't do anything wrong."

"I didn't protect Rave!" He yelled.

"Leo, you were imprisoned too! You couldn't have done anything." Ragnor pushed Leo's hair away from his face. "You couldn't have done anything."

"Of course I could have! I- I could have fought harder, killed her, and done more."

"And what if you had died? How do you think Rave would have taken that?" Ragnor asked. "Do you think Rave would be alright if you died?"

"If I had died protecting her, I would have been fine with it," Leo said.

"Whose to say that she would have survived if you died? You of all people know Rave. The moment you would have fallen, she would have fallen on her sword too."

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