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Rave and Irene stood side by side, just behind Taiskin, all in finery and glittering like newborn stars. The princesses were in matching silk and muslin gowns, the elder in the color of yellow and the younger in the color of orange.

Taiskin was dressed into the deep color of the Bellan flag. On his cloak, the rising sun. He had a crown on his head, decorated with rubies. The center of the crown was shaped like a sun, to continue with Bellan traditions of worshipping the sun.

While the princesses wore silk, the groom and bride wore velvets.

Rave watched Contyer, amused. He must have been dying under the heavy metal armor. While they usually wore leather to combat, but during weddings, the Raibs wore steel. His hand was clasped around his sword hilt, the sword he would hold over the couple's joined hands.

They all stood up straighter as the soft melodic music started playing. Rave had hidden the musicians behind them, under vines so they didn't take up any space reserved for the nobility. The garden looked magical, with the flowers and overgrown fauna.

Rina was, unsurprisingly, the most beautiful woman in the room. Her face was glowing with a soft blush, her red velvet gown was perfect for her. Not too daring, yet not too Thinlinyte.

She had twenty-five bangles on her wrists, to symbolize the twenty-five trials Ravi had to complete to marry Leona. It was a purely Bellan tradition. The diamonds on the bangles glowed as the sun reflected as she and Taiskin linked hands.

Both a priestess of Thia and Ravi (not Hanara,) were present to complete the ceremony. After chanting for a bit, then the wrapping of silk cloth on the couple's hands. The priestesses called for Contyer to hold his sword over their clutched hands. If anyone had any objections, Contyer would slice the cloth, making the marriage invalid.

"Does anyone have an objection against these two persons joining in marriage?" The priestesses called out. Rave immediately turned to look at the Duaetivens. Lina was tightly holding Sonia's hands, probably holding her back. Sonia met Rave's stare and Rave smirked at her, winking. Sonia gaped at her. "Then there are none." Contyer slid his sword back in its sheath.


Rave rested against the door of the bedchamber prepared for Taiskin and Rina. In the little time between the wedding ceremony and the feast, it was her duty to make sure the chamber was complete.

The heated room smelled heavily of roses. The pink and white rose petals shimmered on the soft carpet and bed. The four-posted bed was decorated with garlands of more roses. A symbol of Leona. The sheet of cotton muslin was heavily embroidered by the hands of the queens themselves. In the pattern of flowers and more fauna. Perfumed oil lamps rested unlit around the world.

Rave took a deep breath and sighed. A gentle breeze suffocated her in the room. How dearly she wished for her own wedding day. And for her bedchamber to share with Aurilean. She wanted to feel the petals under her feet as she walked to the bed, led by Aurilean.


Rave and Leo lounged on the low sofas in the pleasure hall of the village. A room of full of drinks and merriment. The senselessness of a mindless celebration was clear in all. "What are you thinking of?" Rave asked Leo. He had been smiling quietly for a long while now.

"What your and Aurilean's wedding will be like." He replied.

"I was thinking about it too," Rave said.

"So? When will it happen then?" Leo leaned closer to her.

"I don't know. I will ask Taiskin to have them find a new emissary." Rave said, "I need to get married so anyway."

"It's long overdue. How long are you supposed to wait?" Leo scoffed.

"I know."


Rina giggled loudly as Taiskin fed her another goblet of wine. He looked so regal in his crown and velvets. This was everything she had ever dreamed about. She was experiencing what it was like to be a queen. Taiskin played with one of her loose curls. "You look like a queen, my love."

"Do I? Do I look like your queen?" Rina whispered, looking up at him through her lashes.

He hummed and nudged her face with his nose. "You do."

"I can't wait to go to Bellayong again." Rina pouted.

Taiskin pulled back and ran his thumb over her lips, "Are you sure? Do you wish to consummate the marriage on a later date? I will not force you to do anything you aren't comfortable with, Rina."

"Huh?" Rina was confused. Consummate the marriage? Oh. "Oh, um..."

"I will wait for as long as I must, milady."

"But I don't want to wait," She gently hit his chest. "I am sure I can do it."

"Remember, my darling, you can choose not to, still." Taiskin held her hands.

"Do you not want to? With me?" Rina felt her eyes tearing up.

"Oh trust me, darling." He smiled devilishly at her. "I do."

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