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Irene was exhausted, she had barely gotten out of her armor and made it to the rooms where Rave and Leo were treated. Sitting on the floor beside the door, she waited. While Taiskin had gone to find Rave, Irene had taken charge of the nobles. She had managed them and set up guard routines around them with the Dueativen and Raynerian commanders.

The priestesses hadn't let anyone come in while they worked. It was the afternoon of the same day now. The occupied castle had also been divided among the armies, with Josephine (begrudgingly) playing hostess. They had put her on house arrest.

No one had the energy to negotiate or talk of punishments today. Mow was seeing to his brother's treatment, who surprisingly wasn't dead. Taiskin and Aurilean were there for the few wounded Bellans and Raynerians.

She must have nodded off to sleep by the time someone came by. "Your highness?" Someone shook her shoulder gently.

"Huh?" It was Prim.

Prim had changed into a gown. She had fought beside Irene, with her husband and their warriors. "If you want to see Princess Rave, you need to wash your hand. The priestesses said to avoid any chances of infections, we all need to be very clean around her."

Irene scrambled to get up. "Can we? I mean, see her?"

"Yes," Prim replied. "But first, go change and clean up. Dona has your belongings set up in a chamber for you."


Hanara knelt before the miniature icon of Ravi, hands clasped, praying. For Leo and Rave. Rave was like a younger sister to her, always coming to her asking for advice. She had seen Rave and Leo. It broke her heart to know what they both went through. She had heard how Leo had been tortured by Josephine, multiple times. No one wanted to use that word, but Hanara wasn't going to make this seem any less horrible than it was.

After praying, she went to the rooms. She had suggested setting a guard around them at all times, with at least one of them within the room. Hanara would watch over them tonight. While both of them were thankfully not fatally injured. Hanara did not trust Thinlin or the aura it gave off.

When she entered, she wasn't surprised to see Aurilean and Ragnor in the room. Aurilean was sitting beside Rave, holding Rave's good hand. The priestesses had spent the better part of the day attending to Rave. The long cut on her leg was healed, but it would make it difficult to run and fight properly. Then, there was nothing to be done about her hand.

"Priestess." Aurilean nodded at her.

"Your highness," She bowed. "My husband," Those words alone filled her with delight. "Prince Taiskin sent me to watch over them. He has decided to keep a guard around them at all time, between myself, Princess Irene, and Lady Prim.''

"Yes, good." He whispered. It seemed as though the prince himself felt Rave's pain. His eyes were red and puffy.

Hanara went and sat by Ragnor's side, putting a hand on his shoulder. She could not bear to see her poor brother. The bruises on him, the scratches down his chest and neck. His wrists and ankles had to be bandaged, they had to cut out the metal cuffs on him.

"Did you speak?" She quietly asked him.

"He only said he's sorry, before passing out," Ragnor replied.

"They will be alright. Ravi would not let them suffer here for too long. Trust me, Ragnor."


Irene sat by Rave's bed, yawning. She had exchanged positions with Hanara hours ago. Both Rave and Leo slept through the night. She watched the sunrise in all its glory, taking its rightful spot in the sky.

She held Rave's hand in hers. It was still warm. Irene watched her sister's chest rise and fall. She ran her finger over the calloused flesh of Rave's hand, the cuts and fading bruises on her face, her closed eyes.

The sun's softer rays washed over them. Irene was grateful to whatever gods saved her sister and Leo from Thinlin. She wanted to take them back to Bellayong right now, and keeping them safe there forever.

Irene looked up sharply as Rave started to shift, moaning softly. "Rave?"

She used her good hand to cover her face, "Please- Stop."

"Rave, it's alright now." Irene held her hand so she couldn't hurt herself. "Please, it's alright now."

She opened her eyes wide. She was staring at the roof. "Irene?"

"We are here, you're safe now." Her eyes didn't stop widening, she was breathing heavily.

"Safe? Where's Leo-" She sat up and groaned.

"Leo is here." Irene helped her lay down again. "He is laying down there."

"You came." Rave breathed out.

"Of course we did."

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