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Josephine was tired of Lina and Sonia constantly whispering in her ears. All they ever talked about was how bold Rave would become if Rina married Taiskin. Josephine had never actually asked for their opinion, but they seemed to say it anyway, and never mind the fact that Rave would probably leave soon.

"Your majesty?" Fredrick called her.

"Yes, sorry, what were you saying?" She rubbed her face. She was still exhausted from the trip.

"Lady Darei's parents, we found their dead bodies." Fredrick said, "When we got your message, we went to arrest them, but they had already been dead for hours. They had been killed, brutally."

"What?" Josephine said, "Are you saying someone broke into the castle and killed them? Under my roof? Do you understand how this looks, Fredrick?"

"Your majesty, they were found in their family lake house."

"What was she thinking? Anyway, did you get rid of the bodies?" She rubbed her temples.

"Of course, your majesty. We destroyed the lake house." Fredrick cleared his throat.

"Make sure to keep an eye on Rave, I am sure she believes the servant girl. Keep your eye open for any Duaetivens princes too." Josephine sighed, "Tell Lina's family to take over until Duaetive sends a new emissary." That would keep her busy. "And what about the wedding preparations?"

"It is Bellan tradition to let the groom's family plan the wedding, your majesty."

"Is that why Irene came back with us? To plan the wedding?" Josephine hadn't been very pleased with that. The two sisters weren't dumb or naïve, they would be looking around for anything suspicious.

"The duty usually on the oldest child. I think Princess Irene will take over Princess Rave's duties while she plans the wedding."

"I better inform Rave to start planning. Where should we have it? Not here, I don't want the peasants revolting outside the castle." Josephine hated seeing the peasants with their dirty clothes and looks. "It will look bad, Taiskin might turn right back around and leave."

"The pleasure villages, perhaps?" Fredrick was talking about the vacation village in the countryside. It was exclusively for the royal family and the highest nobility of Thinlin. "It was where your parents got married."

"That's where every Thinlinyte royalty gets married." Josephine countered, "Yes, it has a nice temple too, it should do well."


"The pleasure villages is where Thinlinyte royalty are traditionally wed." Josephine pointed at the map. The area was uncomfortably close to Duaetive.

Rave and Irene studied the map, "Then I will pick a place there, for the wedding." Rave said.

Irene had no doubt Rave was thinking the same thing as Irene. Why not in the capital? Why go to this remote village in the middle of nowhere? But since Josephine had asked, they would have to. Irene waited until Josephine left to scoff, "At a village? Why, is this castle not enough?"

"Josephine said it was tradition." Rave shrugged. "You should stay here and manage Rina. She doesn't like me, but she does like you. She listens to you. Look at how prettily she begged for your forgiveness."

Rina had teary eyes and everything. She explained how Sonia was prejudiced due to her lack of education, and that she wasn't even one of Rina's ladies. Rina had said that she held no ill feelings towards the princess and that she was in fact thankful towards Rave. It was mostly fake, but it felt good though.

"Must I?" Irene sighed, "I'm happy I'll be in the high deserts soon. I can't stand her. It's so obvious that she only wants Taiskin for the throne."

"You can respect it though. She is going from nothing to a queen of a rich kingdom in a matter of days."

"I can respect it, but it still doesn't feel right," Irene said.

"We only have to get them married, then we can all our separate ways."

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