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Rina fanned herself in the cursed heat, how awful it was to have to wait in the scorning sun for some other princess. Couldn't Ravenna come at the palace instead? Rina gestured to the servants to fan faster. Lina, her cousin from her father's family, her sister Sonia, and the daughter of the emissary from Duaetive, Darei.

Rina was dressed in her finest gown and most expensive jewelry. She refused to be outshined in her own kingdom, by some foreign, spoiled princess born of wedlock. The Bellans claimed her as a normal princess, but Lina said they were only trying to cover up her true parentage. Whatever her roots, Ravenna was still famed as the jewel of Bellayong. As the jewel of the world itself, in fact. Lina had said Rina was much prettier, and the only reason that everyone spoke of Ravenna was because they hadn't seen Rina.

She fixed her russet tresses one again, her shoulders hurt from how heavy it was. Her hair had been gathered around a small tiara, then looped, braided and twisted until it was the beautiful as it was now. Her cobalt gossamer satin skirts pooled on the floor as she reclined on an ottoman.

Suddenly, a messenger ran to the raised dais and told something to Fredrick, who relayed the message to her sister. Josephine stood up, forcing the rest of the courtiers to follow suit.

Two rows of warriors appeared, their dark suntanned skin gleamed with sweat, the swords in their hands glowing in the light. Standing on each side, they made the way for this fabled princess. Rina could see her now, she was in a yellow dress, though the dress wasn't anywhere near modest, but very pretty.

"What is she wearing?" Lina cried out.

The short yellow dress was paired with white boots that were up to her knees. Rina was never even dare to wear white anywhere outside the royal palace. The roads of Thinlin were muddy and dirty. Yet Ravenna's were as clean and new.

The princess had burnt golden skin. It was obvious that she looked different. Her dark golden skin was complimented by long chestnut curls that went to her tiny waist. Atop her head was a neat little crown with milky white opals.

Beside her rode a man. Rina repressed her surprised gasp. The man was the most beautiful thing she'd ever seen. Long black hair to his shoulders, his pale skin was like the swords, glowing in the sun. He was well built, muscles visible under the tight leather armor he wore.

Was Ravenna married to him? No one had mentioned a husband. Rina watched him to dismount and walk up to the dais. Up close, they both were glittering. The golden shimmers on their face and body.

While Ravenna's eyes were big and round, the man's was cat-like. Both had full lips and were quiet tall. The man towered over all of them.

Ravenna bowed slightly before saying, "My court sends their condolences and congratulations, your majesty. I, princess Ravenna, have the honor of serving you. To a hundred years of peace." Her voice was like honey, sweet and rich. She clasped Josephine's hand before turning to the man beside her. "My personal guard and helper, Leo of Evergrown."

Rina could only stare at Leo as Ravenna continued her introductions.

"I believe you know my sister, Rina." Josephine pulled her to the front. Rina awkwardly shook her hand. "My cousins and ladies-in-waiting, Lina, Sonia. And the daughter of the emissary of Duaetive, Darei."

Ravenna just nodded her head towards them.

"You all must be fatigued, we will feast for your honor tonight. Please do rest, and prepare as you wish." Josephine gestured to the litters. "You and yours may find it better to travel in litters. The lawlessness that follows a new ruler is fierce in Thinlin."

"Of course, your majesty." Ravenna smiled tiredly.

"Then let us retire to the palace."

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