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Feast after feast after feast. Leo didn't understand how they managed it. He didn't know how Rave enjoyed it so much. She loved the glamor and the grandeur of the royal balls and feasts. While Leo wanted to melt into the nearest shadow whenever someone was near him. A surprising difference between him and the stylish princess.

Rave never reprimanded him for it, nor did she particularly care if others found it strange. Her carefreeness had rubbed off on him. So he stayed far, only with Contyer, Dona (Irene's Raib), or Ragnor.

But today was different, the royal dance company had prepared multiple performances in light of the festival tomorrow. Leo had to stand in front of the crowds, beside Rave's seat. He hated every second of it but thanked the gods that no one paid him any heed.

No, everyone was busier staring at Rave and Aurilean, who had chosen to sit side by side. Fingers entwined, shyly staring at each other. The second time the future king and queen of Rayner were seen being very affectionate together.

Both of them looked the part of husband and wife too. Rave in her sea form green gown with the emerald crown, and Aurilean in his matching sea form robes and crown. Every part of their looks was that was a united front.

It was a calculated move on their part, Leo knew. Just in case anyone had any doubts on Aurilean's vows. It was the continuous messy show of power, Leo had thought. Each of the four kingdoms trying their hardest to share their powers and wealth. When he mentioned it, Rave had just scoffed at him but she didn't seem to disagree either.

He turned his attention to the stage as the curtains were drawn back. The royal theatre was open, it had no walls or anything. It was just a stage setup. The dancers of the royal company worked with the priestesses of Violeta to create beautiful dances. The dancers were bundled up like flowers, posing beautifully.

Leo was excited, he enjoyed the dances. Growing up, he and Rave had watched the dances on the lap of the queen consort. But now, Cressida's eyes weren't on the dancers today, her eyes were on the king. A loving expression on her face.

Leo was surprised when he felt a tug on his hand. He turned to look at Ragnor. He was tightly squeezing Leo's hand. Leo had to resist the urge to kiss Ragnor right then and there. The songs they danced to were love hymns, songs about lovers meeting under a bold, bright moon. It was a moment meant to share with a lover.

When Leo stared into Rayner's brown eyes, he lost himself in them. The world seemed to fade as the music continued to play. They didn't break their stare until the loud applause sounded. Even then, they begrudgingly looked away.


Leo watched the balcony of the rooms he shared with Rave. The soft, wore carpets seemed to sink under his steps. Rave was laying down on the swing. The rugs and cushions made it one of the s softest place in the room.

"Leo, come here." She called out to him.

Leo walked to the balcony. Rave had sat up to make space for him. She patted the place next to her. "Sit."

She looked tired now that she was just sitting. Less like the myth she was. Her hair was loosely flowing. Usually, even if it looked unbound, there were hidden pins and clips in her hair to make it look better. Her face was clean of any cosmetics. The simple white muslin chemise and flimsy pants made her seem less like a princess and more like a normal person.

"What is it?" Leo plopped down beside her.

"I have something for you." She pulled a box from under the cushions. "Here."

"Rave, you shouldn't have." Leo protested.

Rave only clicked her tongue and put the box down on his lap. "It's not right for me to not gift you anything, Leo. You are my closest friend and companion."

Leo carefully opened the box. Inside were four silver bracelets studded with emerald. "Rave-"

"I know it's not much, but I know you'd hate for me to get you something vain. Unless you want me to, of course," Rave smiled, "Oh and the other two are for Ragnor. So you both can something to signify your love."

"Rave- Thank you," Leo replied. Rave didn't need to gift him or Ragnor anything.

Her smile faltered. "How can I survive the weight of the crown, Leo?" She shook her head, "Even the weight of the temporary one is crushing me." She sighed, "How will we survive there?"

"We've lived there before." Leo didn't see much problem with Rayner, it was really similar to Bellayong. The weather, the food, and the people were much like here.

"But even then, I could have returned here anytime. After we get married and I am crowned, it will be different. It won't be so easy then. I'll be the queen of Rayner first, then a daughter of Bellayong. I will no longer be the princess of Bellayong." Her eyes were filled with sorrow.

"Do you not want to marry Aurilean?" Leo asked quietly, dreading her answer.

"I do!" She exclaimed, "By the gods I do. But I won't be here to put my mother in her tomb, or my father. Once we go there, Leo. We won't come back, not like we did before. I don't want to lose a home to gain a rather uncertain one."

"You don't worry about anything. I'll be there for you every step of the way. We will stand together and face all the troubles together." He said.

"Promise?" She asked.


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