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Cressida excitedly waited for the palanquin. For the first time in months, she had smiled. As soon as Rave and Leo being alive and wake arrived. She had started preparing to welcome them back. She had personally cooked up a feast for her babies.

It was like a pall had been lifted from this glorious city. People lined the streets, waiting to greet their princess. Preparations for Taiskin and Hanara's wedding had already begun. Bellayong was back to itself again. Everyone was happy and excited for the new year to come.

The cheers harrowing Rave's arrived sent excited shivers up Cressida's spine. "She's here, Lazarus! She is finally here!"

Lazarus patted her, "I told you. Our baby is a strong girl."

The cheers grew deafening as the palanquin passed through those bright red gates. Some of the servants bowed as the palanquin passed them. Behind them, came Prim and Irene on horseback. Both of them were saviors now.

Cressida ran ahead as they all stopped under the palm trees. Hanara stepped out first, followed by Rave. She was bruised and bandaged and limping, but she was alive. Cressida cried out as Rave met her eyes. She ran and hugged her daughter tightly. "Oh, baby."

Cressida didn't let go as Rave sniffled. "Mama."

"You are back to me. That's all that matters to me." Cressida let her go, waiting for Leo to come out.

Rave had got to her father. Lazarus squeezed her with just as much force as she had. "My little princess."

"Leo? Darling?" Cressida called out, confused as to why he wasn't coming out.

When he did come out, Cressida couldn't believe it. This man wasn't her boy. This wasn't the boy she had raised. He had lost so much weight. He looked like a skeleton. His eyes were sunken and red. He fell to his knees before Cressida and touched his forehead to the ground. "I am so sorry, your majesty. For failing to protect Rave. I will take any punishment you see fit for me."

Cressida was so shocked she could barely understand what he said. "Leo, what is this nonsense?"

"I don't deserve the privileges of serving her highness the princess." He took a shaking breath. "I will take any punishment you give me, your majesty."

Cressida knelt down. "Leo, look at me."

He raised his head, meeting her eyes. "I failed."

Cressida held his face in her hands. "If I hear this nonsense from you ever again. I will be very upset." She wiped his tears. "You are child, just as much Rave is. I am glad and happy to have both of you back. If I had lost either of you. Gods forbid-" Her voice cracked. "I don't think my fragile heart could have taken that."

"How can you not hate me?" He asked quietly.

"I raised you, Leo. As much as I raised Rave. You are both two sides of the same coin. I need both of you in my life." Cressida helped him stand up. "Now, I have a feast for both of my darling children."


Aurilean stood beside Taiskin. The official decision of Thinlin's payments and debts would begin soon. As Rayner and Bellayong were close allies, they would have to be unanimous in all decisions made.

"As much as I wish to, we can't take Josephine off the throne," Taiskin said. "Mow will fight tooth and nail to put one of his puppets if Josephine is dethroned."

"Josephine needs to lose enough." Aurilean didn't care. He just wanted her to suffer.

"Thinlin has three big farms, they provide most of its income. I say we take one each." Taiskin advised.

"The Raynerian shares go to Rave." Aurilean crossed his arms.

"Sure." Taiskin rolled his eyes. "And I checked Thinlin's coffer records and treasury records. A lot of hidden family wealth and gems. I say we claim some." Taiskin said. "We need to weaken the kingdom enough to make its people abandon it."

"Josephine can keep this empty kingdom for herself then." Aurilean understood.

"Both of us get wedding gifts from Josephine too," Taiskin smirked. "A fine jewel for Hanara, how about that?"

"Rave is too good for these ugly Thinlinyte crowns," Aurilean said.

"Your highnesses, the meeting shall begin."

Aurilean and Taiskin even sat by side by side. Behind them, their Raib in their armor. "We all know what happens now," Taiskin said as he sat down.

"Spoils of war." Mow crossed his arms.

"Payments." Taiskin corrected. "Bellayong counted for around a hundred deaths, directly linked to Thinlin and Josephine. Not to mention what you did to a princess of royal birth."

Josephine scoffed. "You can call her a whore. I won't tell on you, Taiskin."

"It's 'Your highness' to you." Taiskin snapped. "And Rave is more royalty than you will ever be, bitch."

"Dueativen counted about a hundred casualties too. Mostly civilians." Mow said. "Payments or spoils of war, my people need answers for why this queen still gets to rule."

"Adding Thinlin to any of our kingdoms will be a loss, Mow," Taiskin said. "It's better to bleed its full treasury dry."

Josephine turned to Aurilean, "If you need a new wife, I can offer you a pick from the noble girls here. Hell, you can take them all. After all, one whore fucks much like the others." She said lightheartedly to Aurilean.

Aurilean snarled at her. "Every bit of spoils, payments, whatever is it that we get, it will go to my wife. Princess Ravenna Mina of Bellayong and Rayner. She will get it all."

"We all know there is not much to take, so what do we do?" Mow shook his head.

"The three big farms, we can share them amongst ourselves. The jewels in the coffers, there are over fifteen coffers. We can divide all of that amongst ourselves. Rave specifically gets a hundred thousand gold pieces for her injuries. Leo gets fifty thousand." Taiskin said. "We are being kind to you." He told Josephine.

"I'll take the farm closest to Dueativen," Mow said. "A hundred thousand gold pieces to me, for what you did to Rachid."

Josephine rubbed her bandaged arm. "And why should I pay for Leo? Are you selling him off to me instead?"

Taiskin laughed lowly. "You should think twice before threatening any of us. We can take this kingdom and turn it to dust, any day."

Josephine met his stare and then looked away casually, dismissing him. "Take your payments and leave. Today. I am done opening my kingdom to foreigners."

Mow tsked. "You will remain open for our tax collectors. To a thousand years of peace, sister-in-law."

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