Chapter 78: Experimental Training

Start from the beginning

I sigh in annoyance. Clearly mad and defected. I sat there, leaning against the highway support piller. I closed my eyes, and entered into my thoughts, where I begin to think to myself. And of course, it manly involved how to use theae powers to my advantage. Becuase turning or using something power against its evil creators is the biggest smack to the face you can do to someone. And would create major damage to them. But I can't do that if I dont learn how to use, control, and master these powers. I had to learn, but nothing was working. Not sure if it has something to do with mental thoughts, or just what I absorb and charge into myself, if what Venom says is correct, or what, nothing was damn working! But I quickly let out a breath and sighed. Then took another breath in, and let it out. I needed to calm down. "No use getting angry." I thought to myself. After a few morw deep breaths, I slowly get back up, and ready myself again. "You sure your ready this time?" Venom asks. "Im sure." I reply. I start, and try to calm myself down, and relax myself. I still took slight feel breaths as I try to focus myself. "Ok... Ok..." I mutter. As slowly, I extended my right arm and held it up. While opening my hand slightly. I continue taking slow breaths, trying to keep my calm state. "Focus (Y/N)..." Venom says. "Take your time. Ease yourself to feeling comfortable with your Conduit powers." I nodded slightly at Venom's words. After some time, I started to really focus on what Conduit energy source I'm gonna focus on. Not too long after, I started to picture an image.

 Not too long after, I started to picture an image

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"Electricity..." I thought to myself. "Come on me... Activate your powers!" I shout internally. I continue to try and keep my calm state, while keeping a mental image of what energy source I want to focus on. Then... Suddenly... I heard something. At first, I though it was my ears playing tricks on me. Espesailly when it was so quick. The sound just appeared then vanished. But them I heard it again. Then again. And again. Then... constant. Then, a very slight tingle in my fingers... Then it spread to my hand. Then my arm... I finally open my eyes. And see the light blue glow... That coursed through my arm, hand, fingers, and shocking (no pun intended) through my nerves.


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Then... The glow grew brighter. And that sound got louder. And soon, very bright light emitted constantly, and there it was...

Pure Electric Energy was coursing and bouncing around my arms. Both of them. Even though I only intended to use my right. "Oh my god...." I mutter. In utter shock on what I was seeing, and what I was able to do. "I did it...." I say. "I did it! I DID IT!!" I exclaimed louder. Facing Venom I exlcimed again I did it. Even though his mouth was in a permanent smiling like position, I can tell he smiled at my accomplishment. Finally being able to form electricity. Now the next step was to use it's offensive capabilities. As what Venom said, Conduits with whatever energy source that they can absorb, can fire them in projectiles for offensive capabilities. Now to do that.... I don't know. And again, I'm turning and switching my hands in different positions in attempt to fire an electric bolt I presume. "Wait..." Venom says. I pause when Venom says that. Then he continues. "Try bending your fingers whike holding your hand out." Venom suggests. I do as told. Holding my hand out, and getting ready to bend them. "Maybe also think about shooting. That's what I do when I used our Conduit powers." He explains. "Alright." I reply. I did all the things he suggested, but I saved the bending of my fingers for last. And ones I reached that point, I bend them.

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