13. Study Date

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About a week after the incident, everything went back to normal, Akira's small cuts quickly healed and Ushijima would knock on her door every day to see how she was doing. He once brought her dinner, but couldn't stay because he had a scrimmage to attend.

Akira quietly sat in her apartment, headphones on, and her face buried into her textbook. She had finals next week and she was not as prepared as she wanted to be. She wasn't doing great in her statistics class since she was focusing too much on her sports medicine class. 

She didn't want to ask for help since she knew she could figure it out on her own, but she was wrong. The class was much harder than she thought and should've paid more attention in class. On top of re-writing all of her notes, she still had her final English project left to finish and she just past the halfway marker on progression.

As she skimmed over the paragraph for the seventh time, her music was cut short by the sound of her phone ringing through her headphones. She looked down to see her brother face chatting her. Rolling her eyes, she answered the phone and propped it up on the stack of other textbooks on the coffee table.

"Chibi! How's my favorite sister doing?" Kuroo said excitingly. He had his phone in his hand and looked like he was sitting on the couch in his home.

"I'm your only sister, Tetsu. And I'm doing just fine." He noticed the book in her lap with her notebook resting on top of it with a pen and a highlighter in between her fingers.

"You crammed everything for finals in the next few days, didn't you?" She rolled her eyes and chose not to respond. 

"Well, sorry I wasn't born to be smart like you, ass." Akira slouched a bit and put her head in her hands, sighing.

"You could've asked me to come over, I would've helped you."

"Well I don't need another 2 hours of my life taken by you outsmarting me and calling me dumb." Kuroo lightly laughed at her response and leaned back.

"I'm not that bad! I just go little faster than you." After his reply, Akira heard a small smack sound and the sound of Kuroo fake whining. He looked at the person beside him and gave them a look saying 'stop or I'll make you' and it really disturbed his sister.

"Who's there?" She leaned over and took her phone from it's propped position to hold it in her hand to see better.

"Oh, Alisa is here." Kuroo turned the camera to show the grey haired female lightly smiling and waving at the camera. 

"Hey Alisa." Akira said sweetly before bringing her attention back to her brother when he turned the camera back to himself. She raised her eyebrows and gave him a look.

"Stop looking at me like that. Am I not allowed to hang out with her?"****

"You better be good. She's so out of your league." She heard Alisa lightly giggling before she took the phone from Kuroo's hand.

"How did I end up with the ugly sibling?" She said jokingly, making Akira laugh.

"You missed out on all this." Akira gestured to herself in a playful manner, making Kuroo groan and snatch his phone back. The two got along really well when she came to watch the boys' games and when she had the time to, she'd watch Akira's too.

"If you need help, just come by-" Kuroo spoke but his sister cut him off.

"And walk in on you two again? Yeah, no."

"Chibi that was one time." Kuroo sighed and lightly smiled at the girl behind the camera, taking his attention off of his sister to watch whatever she was doing.

The New Neighbor (USHIJIMA X OC)Where stories live. Discover now