5. Meeting his Friends

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Akira slipped on her slippers with her phone in her hands, leaving her apartment door unlocked so she didn't have to take her keys. 

When she softly knocked on the door, she was greeted by a familiar grey-haired male. He reminded her of Sugawara in the slightest, but Suga's features were a lot softer.

"Welcome back, gorgeous." He said, stepping out of the way so she could step into the apartment.

"Akira!" Tendou yelped and she waved to everyone. They all introduced themselves to her. There was Semi, who introduced himself first. He was the one who opened the door for her. Then Reon, who was sitting in a chair between Tendou and Shirabu, who was closer to her height but still scared her a bit. Goshiki was excited to introduce himself to her, standing up from the couch and shaking her hand. She could tell he was the youngest.

"It's nice to meet you all." Akira smiled at everyone and took a seat on the couch next to Goshiki. She saw a few beers scattered on the coffee table. The only people who didn't tempt to pick one up were Goshiki, who was too young, and Ushijima. He had a pretty high tolerance, but tried not to drink, especially during volleyball season, which was practically all year round.

Tendou came from the kitchen with three bottles in his hand, handing one to Akira, one to Reon, and the other for himself. She opened it and took a sip from it. She wasn't driving anytime soon, but she did have class in the morning so she needed to be smart.

"So, Goshiki how's the university going?" Reon asked, trying to start back up a conversation in the group.

"It's great! There are pretty girls everywhere!" Goshiki was a little ball of energy honestly. Akira lifted up one of her legs so she could sit on it, taking her slipper off before doing so.

"What university do you go to?" Akira asked.

"I go to Tokyo. Are you still in school?" The conversation quickly changed to be between the two.

"I am, I'm finishing up my last year in Tokyo! It's crazy I haven't seen you around."

"Really? So you're going to graduate with Shirabu!" Goshiki said, gaining the attention of the bored setter.

"I still have 4 more years of med school left, Goshiki." Shirabu looked back down to his phone, letting the two continue their conversation.

They began to ramble about the university to one another while Tendou, who was sitting next to Ushijima, sparked up a conversation with him.

"Am I the only one curious if she's dating someone?" Tendou whispered to his roommate, Ushijima turned to look at him.

"It's rude to stare." Was the only thing he says. He didn't want to admit that he was curious too because he didn't know why.

"Let's play a game!" Tendou stood up and said a little too excited.

"A drinking game?" Shirabu asked, slightly annoyed by all Tendou's unnecessary energy.

"Sure! How about a game like never have I ever?"

"Tendou, we aren't in high school anymore." Reon laughed at his idea.

"Well someone in this room didn't go to high school with us." He looked and Akira and she cowered back into the couch. "So, it'll be fine." Tendou walked up to the fridge, grabbing 7 beers. He made sure to grab one for everyone. 

"Okay, sounds fun," Akira responded and smiled at the group who all smiled back, except for Ushijima, at her.

"Wakatoshi, you want in?" Tendou held a beer out in front of him. Ushijima hesitated before taking the beer out of Tendou's hand.

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