22. Clubbing

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The days went by fast, vacation getting closer to it's end. Everyone was enjoying their time together and were surely going to remember these last two weeks for the rest of their lives.

Akira never spoke to Ushijima about her feelings growing for him and he never addressed her saying it to him. It was as if it never happened.

The group were all sitting on the deck's table set outside playing cards. It wasn't exactly how they wanted to spend their last full day, but they didn't mind. Everyone had been tired from hiking almost all day yesterday and compromised on taking the morning and afternoon to rest.

But, Sugawara had better plans.

"You know, I saw a club a few blocks down. We should totally go and celebrate tonight!" He beamed, holding his cards in his hand.

"Celebrate what exactly?" Kuroo said, staring at his cards before pulling two out and putting them on the table face down.

"We survived America! Plus, it's an excuse to go dancing and have fun and not be like old people playing cards all day." Suga replied, but no one really responded. Daichi took the two cards Kuroo put on the table and gave him two new ones from the deck.

"Oh come on! Sunshine, don't you wanna go?" This got Akira's attention, still keeping her eyes on her cards.

"I wouldn't mind, but I don't really care what we do today." She pulled a card out a tossed it to Daichi, waiting for a new one.

"That's it, we are going clubbing tonight. I'll buy everyone's first round." Suga hummed.

"I'm in." The Kuroo siblings said at the same time. They were taught to never pass on free drinks.

"Okay then, I'm out and I'm going to get ready." Suga jumped, laying his cards face up on the table. He had a crap hand and did not want to sit and play another game.

He pushed his chair from the table and skipped into the house, clearly excited to go out and drink with his friends.

"Three Jacks, I win." Kuroo said confidently, dropping his cards on the table to show his 3 of a kind.

"Nope! Full house!" Akira slammed her cards on the table confidently and flipped off her brother.

"I'm convinced you're cheating." He groaned, sitting back in his chair. Ushijima cleared his voice and put his cards on the table.

"A straight flush?" The siblings yelled in sync, staring at Ushijima in disbelief.

"If I go to the casino, I'm taking you with me." Akira joked, kissing his cheek and standing from the table. "If we're actually going I'm going to go get ready."

She put her hands on Ushijima's shoulders and leaned into his ear to whisper something the rest  of the table couldn't hear. He lightly laughed and smiled up at her when she walked away.

Kuroo rolled his eyes, helping Daichi pick up the cards from the table. Ushijima stood and helped clean up the drinks on food left on the table from his girlfriend while Kuroo sent daggers at him.


"So, what should I wear?" Akira asked herself, digging through her closet to find something suitable to fit the mood. When digging through the closet, she accidentally kicked a small bag sitting on the floor from when she went shopping.

Her face lit up and she grabbed the back. Taking a pair of heels to match it, she took her clothes into the bathroom and closed it behind her. The dress she had bought was something to impress Ushijima, which she definitely didn't need to do, she woahed him completely.

The New Neighbor (USHIJIMA X OC)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant