21. Beach Day

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"So, what's on the agenda for today?" Akira sat down at the kitchen's island beside Suga.

"Well, there's a bunch of stuff for us to do." Suga pulled a brochure from his back pocket and unfolded it on the counter for them to both look at. "We can go hiking or snorkeling or we can go shopping-"

"Okay Sugamama, slow down." Akira lightly laughed looking at the brochure in her hands. She skimmed over the photos of people swimming in the clear water and she definitely wanted to do that.

"What do you think they're talking about?" Daichi muttered. He was leaning over the other side of the counter with his hand blocking the side of his mouth.

Akira looked out the glass sliding door to see Ushijima and Kuroo leaning against the railings with their large backs to the room.

"I mean he just heard Ushiwaka practically taking your damn soul upstairs! Anyway, how was last night? Did you actually do it or did you save it for this morning?" Suga was such a pain sometimes.

Akira didn't respond, but her cheeks tinted red at the thought of last night. She could imagine the marks on him as she looked at the back of his shirt.

"That silence tells me that you actually did it. And this morning too?" Suga looked at her in disbelief while his boyfriend scolded him.

"Let her be, Koushi." He lightly rolled his eyes at his fiancé and looked back at Akira. "Did you want to do anything specific today?"

"Hmm, I wanted to check out Lanikai beach today. I read all about it when looking up places on this island and it's rated at the best beach on Oahu." She folded the brochure back up and set it down on the table.

"Isn't that like a 45 minutes drive from here?" Daichi asked.

"I could drive if you wanted me to. We can rent one of those vans to hold all of us and our stuff. I'll even pay for it." Akira beamed, standing from her chair clearly excited for their plans.

"Then we should go get ready. Your shower took over an hour in the shower so it's already past 12." Akira turned to look at the stove to see he was right. 

"Okay okay, I can be ready before 12:40, plan to leave around 1?" She asked quickly, heading towards the stairs.

"Sounds good, go tell Kenma." She nodded to Suga before running upstairs and to the door on the end of the hallway.

She softly knocked on it, calling out for Kenma on the other side. When he answered the door, he had an annoyed face and a pair of headphones on.

"Now I see how you and Kuroo are related, too damn loud." He said and she awkwardly laughed. He always got along with her so saying things like this didn't bother her that much.

"We are leaving for the beach at 1. It's a long ride so bring something to keep you busy." She happily turned and skipped into her bedroom. Kenma lightly smiled and rolled his eyes, walking back into his room.

When she opened the door to her bedroom, she skipped to the closet to pick out a bathing suit to wear and a covering to go over it. She picked out a red string bikini top with matching bottoms and a sheer white cover up to go over it.

Akira laid her things out on her bed, getting her tote beach bag to put her things in. Before she could, the door to the bedroom slowly opened, revealing her smiling boyfriend.

"Hey, how was the 'talk'?" She made air quotes with her fingers as she walked over to him, wrapping her arms around hi neck.

"Wasn't so bad, just death threat after death threat." He joked, kissing her forehead. Kuroo had told him not to say anything about their conversation and he wanted to keep it that way.

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