27. The Importance of Family

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When Akira came home from the hospital, she asked Suga to give her some alone time to think everything over. She couldn't sit by and wait to tell Ushijima. Since she was already one month along, it would only take a few more weeks for her stomach to get bigger.

Sitting on the couch, she stared at the picture from the ultrasound. Running her fingers over the small bean-shaped spot then rubbing her hand on her flat stomach make her feel a bit of joy.

Akira didn't think it'd come this early, but she was over the moon with having a baby with him. Of course the stress still carried on her shoulders, but she wouldn't want to go through with this with anybody else.

Keeping her eyes on the photo, she pulled her phone out of her pocket and sent a text to Ushijima.

To: Wakatoshi <3

Come over after practice, we have to talk.

When she sent the text, she realized how blunt it sounded and she lightly groaned to herself. Her stomach began to rumble as she realized she hadn't eaten anything today. Heading into the kitchen, Akira opened her fridge and began to assess all the food. 

Lots of the thing in her fridge she questioned if she was actually supposed to eat them. Her hand lightly rested on her stomach, looking down and questioning what was good for her to eat.

Pulling out her phone and doing a few minutes of research, she realized she probably shouldn't touch half of the things in the fridge. Caffeine was a huge no, meaning no soda, coffee, or teas she had bottled in the fridge.

She saw a small plastic container of strawberries and settled on that. As long as shed didn't add sugar and washed them off well, they'd be okay. Akira took the container from the fridge and rinsed off each piece of fruit before eating it, sighing at their sweet taste.

"This won't be so bad, right?" She said, looking down at her stomach. So far, she felt no pains and that was a big relief.

When she finished her fruit over the sink, she tossed the container and sat back on the couch. Taking her laptop off of the coffee table, she began to do more research. The doctors gave her different reliable websites that gave vital information for her to look at when she got the change.

Akira peaked at the photo on the table and smiled, excited to see Ushijima. But she still felt the deep pit of nervousness inside of her, and it wasn't just the baby.

Today was the day they took a few big steps in the relationship and she wasn't sure how he'd react. He was very stoic and only showed his emotions to her, what if he started hiding them? What if he wanted to get rid of it?

The panic left her mind when she heard a few knocks at the door. She closed her browser tabs and closed her laptop, putting it over the photo to hide it. Standing up from the couch, she took a deep breath before walking over and answering he door.

Ushijima stood there with a soft smile on his face, his practice bag still in his hand. Akira returned it and invited him inside, closing the door behind the two.

"I came as quickly as I could so you wouldn't have to wait. What did you want to talk about?" Ushijima asked, standing in the living room. Akira nervously walked over and held his hand.

"Let's sit down, okay?" Sh said quietly, sitting down on the couch beside her. He gave her a confused look before nodding his head and sitting down with her.

"Are you feeling alright?" He asked, rubbing her hand with his thumb.

"I'm okay, Toshi. I have something I need to tell you, a few things actually." She said, trailing her gaze away from him. He just sat and stared at her, waiting for her to start talking.

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